chapter 15

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Marcy's POV

We all went back to the dorm laughing at everyone's reaction my lovely surprise . Everyone wad very mad at me at first but thry forgive me soon enough i mean no one can resist the potate. One whole day finished again. We said our goodbyes and i headed to the cafeteria first before going back to the hotel. The corridors were dark and silent i guess some of them are already asleep. As i was walking i then bumped to someone who had a lot of paper on his hands i looked at him thinking that he is quite familiar then it hit mr he was donna's brother raffy!

"Im so sorry raffy",i said helping him pick up some paper when i notcied something in one paper there's something written on it ifvourse but the logo at the upper right portion of it really catched my eye. I looked at it wide eyed . It was a "W" in a blod italic font with plain black color and over it says williams dance company

"Do ypu have any idea on what this is?",i asked raffy once he got all the paers in his hands once again he stared at it confused then back to me

"Im not so sure i mean its the first time that i even saw that logo and its probably not from here because this is new york city dance company and will- wait williams?",he asked confused dropping all rhe papers again and taking the one that's on my hand to look at it even closer at it and he stared at me wide eyed

"Isnt your last name williams?",he asked in didbelief

"Well yeah but im completely sure that this is a different williams i mean im just a little girl from new jersey",i shrugged and took it once again and piling it with the other papers on the floor

"Well that was quite weird anyways dont think about it its probably just a conicidence",i shrugged giving him the pile of papers and a smile before walking to the cafeteria

"Well that was weird",i mumbled sighing. I went to the cafeteria and bought some food on the way home. I went back to the hotel just to see that they fall asleep already and i guess its perfect if i my self also sleep already

The next morning ofcourse i did the my everyday routine and went to the company but this time im not gonna try to prank them instead

*horn beeps*

"Goodmorning dancers of new york city dance company ",i smiled looking at them all sitting up right because they were frightened of my horn

"Why did you have to do that you gave me a heart attack",tyler said holding his chest and breathing heavily

"Uhm im sorry?",i tried giving them my best smile "atleast i didnt put something icky on your hai this time",i winked and all of them groaned. The rest of the day was fun and i quite enjoyed it myself . Considering it was friday which means dance competition day i was very exctied i told mom and sienna all about it and asked if i could sleep over the dorm for tonight and luckily they said yes.

We packed all our stuff and changed into our pjs i decided to bring miss muffins with us wearing the dress that niall gave her . It was quite cute and i like seeing her in it. We ofcourse set up our picnice blanket some food and all the necessaey stuff until we finally settled down

"So marcy your mom and serra will leave in two days huh?",donna asked and a pang of realization hit me i didnt even notice that its already been that long that they were here. Sighing i nodded

"In the bright side it means youre gonna be staying with us again!",lilac exvalimed jumping up and down clapping her hands

The dance competition ended and luckily natasia wasnt there for some reason.

"You liked our performance?",kyle asked smiling. His smile grew wider when he noticed that i was holding miss muffins who is wearing the dress he gave. He smiled and took it "looks like miss bear over here likes my gift",he smiled playing with it using goofy faces which is quite cute

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