chapter 11

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Marcy's POV

Is it possible that ive been here before? This place is so familiar i just really cant put my finger on it .i slowly put my hand on the letters PMW i wonder what it could be.


"Errmm mommy are we gonna see uncle pete now?,i asked my mom as we enter this huge building hand in hand with my other hand with my dad

"Yes princess it'll just take a while because uncle pete is a very busy person but i promise you youll get to meet him",mom said squeezing my hand and giving me a reasuring smile

We walked into the lobby which is pretty fancy by the way with glass chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and beutiful lights surrounding the place. Youll see ballerinas everywhere stretching with their leg warmers. We walked farther until we reached a huge door with the initials PMW on it. Mom opened it and then reveal a huge studio with a guy around his 40s wearing a black sweater jazz pants and a scarf around his neck. The room was pretty quiet that youll here your breathing

"Pete!",my dad exclaimed and the guy turned around and gave dad a smile and a hug. He looks so much like dad

"Oh brother how i miss you",the guy said pulling away ftom their hug and pulling a hug for mom. He then look down at me and kneeled down

"So is this my little ballerina niece huh? Very pretty very pretty"he smiled pinching my cheeks.

"im uncle pete and your dad is my brother"

"Oh dad told me somethin' about you earlier it's nice to met you uncle pete"

"They mentioned me sometjing about you owning a dance company can you tell me more about it?",i asked and he looked up at mom and dad and they gave him a smile. He nodded and took my hand standing up

"Let's go somewhere else okay and i will tell you everything".he said winking at my dad and burst out the door. We went to the principals office as he said... well this is just like a school then

We sat down and he put me on his lap with a huge grin on his face

"So marcy do you really want to be a ballerina when you grow up?",he asked and i nodded

"Well if you want to be a great dancer that performs on stage infront of many people you can go here ",he said putting a piece of my hair behind my ear "this can be your paradise just like me. It can be your home . Dance all you can here like no ones watching you "

"Call this home from now on and when you grow up i want you to come home here"

"Okay but can you pretty please tell me more about and dance company and also i have a home and new jersey didnt dad and mom told you that uncle pete?".i asked and he laughed at my reaction

"Oh well just remember that this will be your second home-"

"But teacher said that school was my second home"

"Well then your third home-"

"The studio in new jersey where i dance is my third home",i said and i can see the frustration in his eyes
"Im sowiiee",i mumbled and look down

"Its okay marcy so if you have three hes already then think of this as one of your many many homes okay so is that alright?",he asked and i nodded chuckling

"Can you pretty please tell me somethin' about a dance company now?",i asked and he chuckled

"Okay so here we go-"

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