chapter 10

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Marcy's POV

"Here",i said throwing lilac a pack of marshmallows and luckily she catched it.the moment she looked at what i threw at her. Her eyes widened and she jumped up and down squeling but suddenly opened the pack and shove marshmallows in her mouth.i can hear sydney laugh on her bed while playing with her phone

"As i told you she can be a total kid like all the time and fun fact you can brag her into doing anything by just giving her . Her stupid marshmallows",sydney said looking up from her phone with a smirk "go freshen up now i know you feel stinky and stuff after your flight. Ive been there a few times now go coz i already told donna that you'll come with us ",she said and i nodded

"Movie night huh? Were just gonna be in the dorms right so maybe i can wear my pj's right?",i asked

"Yeah sure and later tonight we'll be in the field coz were gonna be watching the battle",she said and i gave her a confused look "oh by the way the battle is a dance battle. Its a regular thing over here every friday nights and youre lucky that youll get to see it in your first night anyways its a freestyle dance battle and we'll be supporting nathan's group. He's a good friend of ours by the way",she said with a wink and i nodded

I grabbed my pj's which is exactly the same thing as miss muffins' exept for the fact that i wore my dance company's shirt as a top.i grabbed my gray hoodie and put it on.once im done i put my long wavy blonde hair in a messy bun and put some light make up aka foundation.concealer and some black eyeliner. I dont wanna go out without wearing any make up. Im too insecure with how i look like to

I made my way back to the girls and see them also in their pj's.lilac was wearing a cute pink pj's with a bunny print and a cute fluffy bunny slippers.her long straight ginger hair was up into two pigtails while sydney was braiding the other hand sydney was wearing a cute simple pink pj's and a top that says "stay calm and spot" with a picture of a dancer doing a piroutte.i would actually like to have that shirt

"And there. All done",sydney said giving lilac a mirror and she looked in the mirror checking her hair then sydney met my gaze "there you are. You all done?",she asked and i nodded

"Yups all done ",i said and we went out and went into a room which is similar as ours exept for the fact that there's only two single beds then a huge tv.a desk and a cabinet full of ps4 games.... this girl is a gamer i see.i saw a girl with strawberry blonde hair cross sitting on the floor with a ps4 controller in her hand and was staring at the tv concentrated like it was the most important thing in the world .we walked in without her even noticing it.lilac went down on her knees behind the girl and covered her eyes.the girl immidietly elbowed lilac in the stomach causing lilac to fell backwards holding her tummy wincing with pain

"What the actual f*ck lilac you know i dont like anyone distracting me with my f*cking game you could atleast wait for me to finish the damn thing",the girl said glaring at lilac and suddenly lilac bursted out laughing

"Exactly the freaking point why i covered your eyes dumbass. Its nice to annoy you once in a while it's awesome!and also your "can i just finish the damn thing first" doesnt register in my lovely marshmallow like brain",she said and she rolled her eyes also sticking out her tounge at lilac

We all bursted out laughing until i realized something "wait wait wait did you just compared your brain to a marshmallow?",i asked with a smirk

"Yeah why not .marshmallows are perfecfefect",she said and i chuckled

"Perfecfefect really?",i asked with a smirk "youre really crazy but i like it",i said with a wink and she giggled

"I though it's movie night then why the hell are you playing your stupid game?!",sydney asked with her face turning red

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