chapter 2

270 35 17

(Edited by thinleywangmu)

Marcy's POV

I was called by Mr.Davids to his office but I don't know why, tension was all over my body cause I don't know what to expect, will he say something positive? No,knowing Mr. Davids he really isn't a positive guy. He is always grumpy and all those stuffs but then always put my hopes high cause I can't afford to also loose ballet, no, that will be my greatest nightmare and the end of me but I need to think positive on whatever is waiting for me behind his door.

Right now I'm infront of his door standing with my hands shaking because I'm nervous. I still knocked and after that it gave me chills, there's no looking back now and I'm pretty sure he have a nice sense of hearing to hear me knock against his door. My thoughts were interrupted by a squeaking sound coming from the door which is currently opening and right before my eyes Mr. Davids is standing with his signature strict look with his arms crossed above his chest. I swallowed all the tension in me and tried to speak.

"You called me Mr.david? What can I  help you with?" I asked in the most politeful way possible.

"Yes darling, you may come in." He said politely with a smile gesturing me to come into his office . Why is he acting all too nice,is he gonna kill me or something?

"Okay..."I said but it's more like a question than a word. I walked in his huge modern looking office and saw his desk along with two chairs facing each other infront of it and a nice and bossy/comfy chair behind the table of course for Mr.Davids.

I heard the door shut close with a huge impact and heard footsteps coming near me. I looked up and saw Mr.Davids walking towards the other side of the table and sitting down on his very comfy black chair. He let out a sigh ,smiling before looking towards me and then he started talking.

"You may have been wondering why I called you right?" He asked .Well yeah of course but I can't say it like that. I need to say it gently and politely.

"Yes,Mr.Davids . What can I help you with?"I asked politely, avoiding to yawn cause I'm very tired from work today.

"Well actually I can help you." He said with a huge grin plastered on his face but I gave him a confused look. "A huge dance company in New York offered a scholarship to a rightful student ,and our dance company is one of the schools that is chosen to pick a rightful student for the scholarship and I didn't have a second thought in choosing you as the "Lucky One"." He said with a smirk, my jaw dropped and my eyes widened.

This is all what I've been waiting for,what I wanted all along, what me and my dad dreamed of ever since I started doing ballet, I'm finally fulfilling my promise and his wish. I'm finally gonna be a dancer in a huge compnay in NEW YORK CITY and it's freaking me out. Dancers from New York fance companies is known everywhere in the world and they performed in every huge theater ever built in history. I really can't believe that among all the great dancers ,I was chosen, I wasn't a soloist, I'm just in the core but then he chose me and this is all just unbelievable, this is too big to sink into me.

*Flashback*(Marcy's first recital)

*Loud applause of the crowd*

I cant believe I really am dancing right now, I'm so happy. I'm wearing a cute pink tutu and a very shiny leotard that glows very bright when the lights at the top hit it, the spark in all of our costumes are sparkling like a diamond while we're dancing in this huge theater in chicago. I danced in a trio with my classmates ,Macy and Shanon.They both are really friendly to me and I loved them ,they both gave me a warm welcome in my first day of ballet and I was really grateful because from what I heard , plenty of ballerinas push the others down so that they can shine in the spotlight instead of the others, but I guess it isn't all true because all of them are friendly and nice.

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