chapter 5

98 17 3


Marcy's POV


"Anxiety attack you may say?",i asked nervously biting my nails, it kind of a habit for me to do that whenever im nervous, sometimes i even bite my finger"so is it like she's crazy or something?",i asked and he sighed

"Not actually like that, she's still most definitely normal it will be just sometimes whenever she like remember a bad memory or something",he said and i can feel my eyes water

"So what do we do to help her, do you have any remedy for it?",i asked hopefully and a tear already escaped my eyes, i looked down being embaressed on crying infront of the doctor, i just feel so weak right now

"Sorry ms. Williams but until now there is still no remedy for anxiety attacks the best that we can do is bring her to a psychiatrist regularly and drink some pills",he said and i looked up at him

"pills you may say?",i asked

"Yes, pills she needs it, she needs to drink it regularly about three times a day and whenever she breaks down",he said and i cant even make my words because of my crying

"I dont know if i still have money to buy any medications doctor james",i said wiping some tears from my eyes and sniffing

"I know it is very expensive,lots of patients also demand about it but we really couldnt help you because it really is expensive but if you want your mom to go back to notmal as you wanted it to be then she needs to have the proper medications",he said

"What if she cant have the proper medications, maybe just two times a day?",i asked hopefully

"Many patients also asked me about that but miss williams once you started the medication you need to continue it in the tight dosage every single day",he said and i just cant help myself but cry"but there is another remedy that i know,many of our patients oftenly choose this option",he said and i looked up to him"bring her to the mental-",but i cut him off

"Mental hospital?! ",i said standing up "My mom isnt crazy she's just lonely and depressed and confused! I cant leave het there , who will take care of her there what if she gets even worse what if-",but he cuts me off

"I know and as i told you if you just give her the proper dosage of the pills that ill recommend you, she will live normal again and it will trully help her recover from her depression and most of all, it will trully help her if someone she loves will be there for her,having someone that cars for her and will protect her and take care of her, thats what she needs ,she needs to feel someone loves her thats why i dont trully 100% recommend sending a patient to the mental hospital cause most of the cases that i handled like that just made it even worse,im just telling you that so that youll have a choice miss williams just think about it",he said and a sighed in relief and sat back down on the chair

"So she just needs to take the stupid pills that youll recommend me and shell be fine",i said harshly

"Absolutely but as i told you its not the real remedy miss williams, the pills will just let her go through the pain she's experiencing",he said

"Okay now what is that pills your talking about?",i asked

"Okay since you said you dont have money at the moment then ill give you some pills for now it may last for only over a week but after that youll need to buy the next and then until she needs it,you need to come back every month and every time she'll have an attack, you need to help your mom with this miss williams",he said and walked out of the room,i cant help it but breakdown ,i sobbed for countless time until i finally feel like going out

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