chapter 12

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Marcy's pov

whats happening? why? i cant loose mom! no i cant shes the only thing left with me she cant leave me too just like what dad did to me

my thoughts were running wild as i run s fast as i could to i dont know because all i know is that i need to go see mom.

I ran outside the school campus until i reached a dark end ,i have no idea where i am now.. how am i even supposed to go see mom now. I stopped running and went on my knees breathing heavily . I finally sat down on the cold street just pulling my knees to my chest and hugging it tightly. I burried my face inbetween it not even minding if ill die by being hit by a car or soemthing. Tears threatened to spill and suddenly it did

I dont know how long ive been in that position but all i know is that i felt something vibrate from my pocket which is my phone. I grabbed it from my pocket sniffling and shakily answer it without even looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?",i asked shakily as rain started to pour, "look how lucky",i muttered

"Huh? Lucky? .. wait marcy where are you?",the familiar british voice rang through the phone

"K-kyle? I mean nathan?",i asked

"Yeah thats me so now can you please for the love of god tell us where you are were worried sick right!"

"Erm fact is i may have dont know where i am",i said sheepily

"Okay then tell me what you see like whats around the corner?", i loked around the corner and saw the same candy shop where i first met him. It isnt posssible tho because that shop was back in new jersey not here in new york city thats insanely impossible i looked to the other side and saw a different scenery i guess its just the a look a like shop or a franchise .. i shrugged the thoughts out of me and decided to finally speak

"I guess im around this street named alvarez. St. Erm and also theres a candy shop around the corner", i said and i cant hear anything

"Hello? ... guys? .. nathan?!",i yelled through the phone and removed it from my ear when i looked at it i saw that it was drained . For all times why now

"Damn it",i muttered underneath my breath

I stood up and removed some hair from my face . I walked while my arms are around me because it was cold and im shivvering. I walked again to nowhere not knowing where to go until i finally collpased and drifted into darkness

Donna's POV

Weve been looking for marcy for hours now the rain is still going stronger and were afraid that we have to stop looking for her . Nathan was currently driving and earlier he called marcy it was quiet strange that she would hung up tho . We continued the search until we finally decided to go to a gas station to fill up the tank because great nathan over here didnt fill it up before we go like were looking for someone were probably and also in a roadtrip guys

Anyways here we are in a gas station in nowhere finding a girl that we just met a few days ago and skipped a class for her. George is really gonna get mad and hate our guts when we get back

Nathan's POV

It was weird and strange why did she hung up now we called her a couple of times and then she didnt answer anymore , we just wish that we would find her soon, we dont know why she would run away like that but yes i understand that she wanted to see if her mom is alright but she doesnt even let tyeler finish what he was saying she doesnt even know what he was trying to say and now she run away for no reason with no exact place to go like she lives in new jersey and same as her mom like that is way too far form new york , god she's so sensitive just by her hearing the word mom she suddenly ran away like what does that mean, maybe she didnt want to tell us i mean we just met but i met her before but not formally so we just really got to know each other now, theres so many mystery in her life i hope she shares some with us and trust us,

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