chapter 4

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Marcy's POV

"Shawn?.....",i asked ,shawn he was....
He was my everything and he told me i was his but then he just fade away in a blink of an eye without any explanation or goodbye eithere,he's the one that broke my heart and everything,hearing his name just makes me sick,i hate him and every piece of sh*t he have,he cant fix what he broke so its better if he just stays away cause i already feel like i moved on but then he came again with a f***ing phone call ,really? Very smart of you,i thought he was smart thats why he's valedictorian right?,but a phone call,wow so mature and intelligent of you and thats not that worst part,he didnt call directly to me, instead he need to call christi like what the f*ck?

"What the hell did he said",i said angrily and she frowned"im sorry its just that-",she cut me off

"Its fine i understand what your going through marcy you dont have to be sorry at all",she said motherly and i cant help it but cry and hug her tightly and she hugged back,i pulled away immedietly and wiped some tears from my eyes and chuckled

"Yeah thanks for understanding christi",i said looking down on my palm

"No problem marcy ,your like a daughter to me and you know you can tell me anything right?",she asked and i look up to her

"About that i wanna ask you again why did shawn call you in the first place?",i asked and she frowned

"I also dont have any idea marcy,he just called me and asked me how youre doing,i dont even know that he still have my number all this time",she said

"Oh.... so what did you tell him then?",i asked and she frowned

"Well i told him that your doing great without him and that your happy with your life,i think its better if he thinks about it that way",she said

"Thanks christi and even if youll ask me what to say ill just tell you to tell him the same thing,its better that way and its true i kinda am better of without him and i couldnt be more happier especially because of the scholarship i got,just think of it marcy from the new york city dance company,just imagine it",i said waving my arms in the air and feel like im imagining stuff

"Yeah that is cool marcy,its getting late i think we should all get home",she said hugging me

I heard the door swung open and martin walked in holding a very active chrissa in his arms and i opened my arms for her and martin gave me her

"So i heard about the new york dance company thingy",he said

"Yeah about that, ill be leaving in like five days so i think i gotta resign now",i said trying to give him a fake smile

"Then i will accept your resignation then",he said and i can say he's trying to hold back some tears and then he hugged me very tight squishing chrissa in between and she chuckled and we pulled away

"Ill miss you so much kiddo",he said wiping some tears from his eyes and opening his arms for chrissa and i gave him chrissa

"Come on this isnt goodbye guys,well still see each other though",i said, "group hug!",i exclaimed and pulled them in a tight group hug"ill also miss you guys",i said pulling away"well now i gotta go home",i said wiping off some tears and chuckling

"Okay then remember to come by here whenever your free before you leave okay?",christi asked

"Ofcourse i wouldnt miss having the best smoothies in the world in the best cafe ever",i said "also i wouldnt miss this little one",i said removing a piece of hair from chrissa's face and she chuckled

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