Chapter 16

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marcy's POV

Just with one call and he's gone, sighing i looked at the piece of paper that he gave me, i wonder what's inside tho

opening it, i saw his messy handwriting that's kinda cute in a way to be honest,smiling i take a deep breath and read it

To / dear (that's to cliche so let's do something else uhm ) ..

Potatoedear miss potato:

I took your bear miss muffins last night and you we're chasing me so i really thought that you we're really gonna chase me to get miss muffins but you went out of sight, i don't know why but whatever the reason is i hope you like what i made for you and miss muffins. A potato crown :--)

Hope you keep it . I know it's fake and everything but hey it looks so much like a real potato and i worked hard for those haha anyways that's all i wanna say and have a good day Marce x

All the love
potato Prince Nathan (kyle) Zeitler

Closing the letter i smiled. So that's his full name. He even put the kyle nickname which is quite funny, i really find him cute and everything . I do know that he will be a good friend and i want him by my side all the time but him with natasia all the time? I don't think so i can handle that

Sighing i made my way out of the campus and went back to the hotel where mom and serra is . I tried to take adavntage of me being pulled out of the production to have some quality time with them. They're leaving soon and i just want to spend time with them

It felt so fast and it only felt like yesterday when they pulled that prank on me but today they're leaving

We're currently in the airport waiting for their flight to be called . Only me , mom and serra we're here because the others couldn't make it because of practice

I couldn't really blame them if they choose to go and do their rehearsals first instead of going here with me ,mom and serra to say our goodbyes before they leave

right now we're waiting for their flight to be called, sitting down on the chairs i pulled out my phone and saw that i have a new text message seeing it , it lit up my mood immidietly

from: mr. kyley zeitler

what's up, can't see you around

to :mr. kyley zeitler

uhm i don't need to be there remember? and besides i'm here at the airport with mom and serra because their leaving today if you forgot ;-) x

i looked up and saw mom and serra with smiles on their faces and serra even have that stupid smirk on her face

"that's kyle indeed",serra said

"oh that cute young lad huh?",mom said and i chuckled

"it's kyle right? wait zeitler? uhm yeah it is but isn't his name kyle or nathan? ugh whatever you're giving me a total headache with names ",said serra

"well yeah it is him and serra yes kyle it is and mom zeitler it is also, his full name is Nathan Zeitler nd that kyle nickname was just formed was just formed with that stupid bet that serra and macy made me do with the suspense kiss and every-", before i even said nything else i literlly felt like slapping muself right now, im telling right infront of my mom that i made suspense kiss with a total stranger, well done brilliant marcy, my hand flew to my mouth and my mom arched an eyebrow

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2015 ⏰

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