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Just outside of the city, near the beach, Gon and Killua are waiting for the listing agent to hand them the keys to their new condo. They are patiently waiting outside of their door. Minutes later, the listing agent hands Gon and Killua their keys. They immediately unlock the door and run inside.

There is a small foyer area as soon as you enter the condo. There is also a tiny closet and a place to leave your shoes. After the foyer is the living area. To the right is a door that leads to the balcony. There is a view of the ocean from the balcony. On the opposite side is the kitchen. The city can be seen from the kitchen window. In the back of the condo are two bedrooms separated by a huge bathroom. Each bedroom is identical.

"Wow, Killua! This place is huge!" exclaims Gon while he runs through the condo.
"Yeah, check out this view!" exclaims Killua while he opens the door that leads to the balcony.

They both run inside of the bedrooms.

"Hey, Killua! Which room do you want? The one with the ocean or city view?" asks Gon.
"I'll take the city side." answers Killua.
"You got it!" exclaims Gon.

Now that Alluka is safe on her own, Killua and Gon have decided to become roommates.

Leorio knocks on their door even though it is still wide open.

"Hello?" asks Leorio.

Gon peeks his head out of his room and sees Leorio.

"Leorio!" exclaims Gon while he runs to his friend.
"Hey," says Leorio while waving at Gon.
"Check out our new place!" says Gon, excitedly.

Gon takes Leorio on a tour of the condo.

"It's nice. And it's not too far from Kurapika and me since we are right in the city." says Leorio.
"Hey, speaking of Kurapika, have you heard from him?" asks Gon.
"Not lately. He hasn't answered any of my calls. I did leave him a voicemail about tonight though." answers Leorio.
"I really hope he comes." says Gon.

Killua walks out of his room to greet Leorio.

"Killua!" exclaims Leorio while giving Killua a high five.
"Don't you and Kurapika live together? How have you not heard from him?" asks Killua.
"We don't live together, Killua! He lives in the apartment next door to mine." explains Leorio.
"Right," says Killua.

Later that evening, Leorio is sitting at the bar waiting for his friends to arrive. He already has a drink in front of him. The bar is dimly lit and there is loud techno music playing. It's crowded and Leorio yells at whoever tries to take the seats he saved for his friends.

Minutes later, Gon and Killua arrive. They sit on the seats Leorio saved for them. There is one seat left and someone tries to sit on it.

"Hey! I said that the seat was taken!" exclaims Leorio.
"But it looks like your friends arrived." says the young man who tried to take the seat.
"I have one more friend who will be here any second!" Leorio continues to yell.

The young man leaves.

"Do you really think Kurapika will show up?" asks Killua.
"Yeah. I'm sure he doesn't want to miss your twenty-first birthday." answers Leorio.

Killua rolls his eyes.

Leorio orders Gon and Killua each a drink. Gon takes a sip and winces.

"What's this, Leorio? It burns going down." asks Gon.
"You won't feel it after a while." answers Leorio.

Killua gulps his entire drink down. Gon looks at him with widened eyes.

"How can you drink it so fast, Killua?" asks Gon.
"This stuff does nothing to me." answers Killua.
"Oh, that's right." says Gon while attempting to drink his cocktail again.

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