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Gon stops in a flower shop. He purchases a beautiful bouquet of assorted flowers. He smiles as he leaves the shop. He crosses the street and waits for a train to take him to the city.

Gon walks into the cafe where he is to meet Sora. He sits at a small table to wait for her. A few minutes later, Sora walks in. Gon stares at her while she walks over to him. She is wearing a long white sundress. She is the most beautiful woman Gon has ever seen. His heart rate increases.

Gon stands up to pull the chair out for Sora.
"What a gentleman. Thank you." says Sora as she sits down.
"You're welcome. You look very beautiful." says Gon.
"Thank you." says Sora, blushing.
"Oh, these are for you." says Gon while handing her the bouquet of flowers.
"These are so beautiful! Thank you, Gon!" says Sora, excitedly.

Gon and Sora eat breakfast at the cafe while talking about their plan for the day. Gon has no idea Killua is only a few tables behind, listening to their conversation.

Killua is wearing navy blue joggers and a black hooded sweatshirt. He wears the hood so Gon won't notice his hair.

Gon and Sora leave the cafe and they walk to the big park that is located in the middle of the city.

"Killua and I were here yesterday, but we didn't get to see this side!" exclaims Gon while looking at the big carousel in front of them.

They pass by a bunch of street performers while walking to the carousel. Gon and Sora ride the carousel. When they get off, they walk to the nearby pond. They wait in line for a boat that will take them across the pond.

"I actually don't live too far from here." says Sora.
"Really? It must be really nice to live close to this awesome park." says Gon.
"Yeah, you see that building right over there?" asks Sora while pointing to a nearby building. "I live there in Building 500." Sora continues.
"Building 500? Hey, I have friends who live there!" exclaims Gon.
"You do?" asks Sora, surprised.
"Yeah, two of my best friends live in that building!" answers Gon.

They hop on the small boat. They sit in front of each other. Gon reaches out to hold Sora's hand. She blushes as she allows Gon to hold her hand.

After the boat ride, Sora shows Gon the school where she teaches.

"I bet your students love you." says Gon.
"I hope so. I love them." says Sora.

They proceed to walk to a museum. Gon pretends to understand everything the museum guide is talking about. After the museum, Sora takes Gon to a popular bakery. They share a big slice of chocolate cake. Killua's mouth waters while he watches them eat from afar.

"Gon, did you say you were going to start work as a Hunter?" asks Sora.
"That's right." answers Gon.
"Here in the city?" asks Sora.
"Well, most of the time. My friend is helping me get the job and I know he travels quite a bit." answers Gon.
"I hope they don't make you travel too much. I'll miss you." says Sora.
"Really?" asks Gon, excitedly. "I would miss you, too."

Killua rolls his eyes from where he is sitting. He notices they are about to get up to leave so he runs out and climbs a tree outside of the bakery.

Gon and Sora leave the bakery and sit on a bench right below the tree where Killua is hiding.

"I had so much fun today. I hope I was able to show you a lot of the city. It's impossible to see everything in one day." says Sora.
"Then we will need to do this again soon." says Gon as he scoots closer to Sora.

Gon and Sora stare at each other for a few seconds before Gon runs his fingers through her hair. He tucks some of her hair behind her ear and reaches in to gently kiss Sora on her lips. Gon pulls away and smiles at her. Sora smiles back as she reaches in for another kiss. Gon kisses her back, this time deepening the kiss.

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