I'm sorry

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Gon is standing in front of Killua. He stares at him with widened eyes. He is trembling.

"You...you killed them?" asks Gon, in shock. "But...why?"
"I'm going to be honest with you, Gon." says Killua, calmly. He takes a deep breath. "Sora kept breaking your heart. It hurt me to see you in so much pain. She had to go."
"She...she had to go?" asks Gon, still in shock. His knees start to shake and he falls to the floor. He lifts his head up to look at Killua. "What about Kohana?"
"Kohana was an accident. I didn't mean to kill her." answers Killua.

Gon looks at the ground. He is on his hands and knees. He is starting to feel sick again so he holds his stomach. He winces in pain and tears stream down his cheeks.

"Killua...why? Why couldn't you just tell me?" shouts Gon, angrily.
"I was going to tell you...but...but then I saw how happy you were. Sora and I had an agreement. She just couldn't keep her part of the deal." says Killua.
"An agreement?" asks Gon, while lifting his head up to look at Killua.
"Yes. As long as she made you happy, I'd allow her to see you." answers Killua.
"Allow her? Killua, who are you to decide who is allowed to see me?" asks Gon.
"Who am I? I thought I was your best friend!" exclaims Killua.
"Best friend? Is this what best friends do?" asks Gon.
"That's how much I care about you, Gon." answers Killua.

Gon is silent.

"Sora didn't deserve you. She couldn't even keep her legs closed for that other guy." answers Killua.
"Wait...you knew she was cheating on me?" asks Gon.
"Yeah." answers Killua.
"What the hell, Killua?" asks Gon.
"I'm sorry, Gon." says Killua.

Killua watches as his best friend processes all of this information. Gon stands up and scowls at Killua. His eyebrows are lowered and pulled closer together. There is a crazed look in his eyes.

"You're sorry?" asks Gon, angrily.

Killua stares back at Gon. He is suddenly afraid of him.
Gon takes a step back with his right leg. He makes a fist with his right hand. He runs up to Killua and punches him in the face, sending him flying down the hall all the way to the elevators. Killua takes the punch and lays down for a few seconds before getting up.

Killua rubs the left side of his face. He stands up and slowly walks back to Gon.

Gon watches Killua as he walks back. He gets into his fighting stance again.

"I deserved that." says Killua.

Gon pulls his arm back to punch Killua again. He notices Killua's eyes. They are misted over and filled with sadness. He decides not to punch Killua and puts his arm back down. Gon has a lot going through his mind. He understands Killua was only trying to protect him. He also knows that Killua wouldn't kill someone unless he had a reason.

Killua looks down. He can feel someone besides Gon staring at him. Killua turns his head to look at the doorway. Kohana's body has already been removed from the crime scene. Kurapika is standing there. His eyes are glowing a deep scarlet color. Kurapika heard everything Killua told Gon.

Killua's heart breaks as he watches Kurapika.

Place whatever condition you want on me...I deserve it. Hell...just go ahead and kill me. If Gon doesn't forgive me then I don't care.

Gon looks at Kurapika. He notices his scarlet eyes.

"Kurapika!" shouts Gon, afraid of what Kurapika will do to Killua.
"Judgement chain." says Kurapika as he lifts his right arm. He doesn't take his eyes off of Killua.

Killua hangs his head down and closes his eyes.

Kurapika's judgement chain is floating in the air. Gon runs to Kurapika and faces him.

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