I'll play your game

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Early the next morning, Gon wakes up to his phone ringing. He rolls over to see who is calling him. He notices it is Sora. He excitedly answers it.

Gon runs out of his bedroom to find Killua as soon as he ends the call. He finds him sitting outside on the balcony.

"Killua! Guess what?" asks Gon, excitedly.
"What's up, Gon?" asks Killua.
"Sora just called me. She explained to me how she made a terrible mistake and that she wants to get back together. Isn't that great?" answers Gon.
"Seriously?" asks Killua, shocked.

That's not what I told the bitch to do. She was only supposed to apologize to Gon and give him a reason why she ended it. Not get back together with him. Dammit!

"Yes. And guess what else? She invited me over to her place tonight." says Gon.
"Uh...I'm happy for you." says Killua while giving Gon a fake smile.
"Thank you, Killua." says Gon as he happily walks back inside.

I get it...she's fucking with me. Okay, Sora. I'll play your game.

Killua's thoughts are interrupted by the vibration of his phone. He answers it.

"Hey, Kaiya." greets Killua.
"Hey, I haven't heard back from you since you bailed on me the other night. I miss you. Wanna hang out?" asks Kaiya.
"Sure. I just can't hang out all day." answers Killua.
"No problem. Just come by my apartment. I'll be waiting." says Kaiya.

Killua checks the time. It is still early, but he figures he might as well satisfy Kaiya so she doesn't bother him later.

Killua walks back inside. Gon is making pancakes.

"How many do you want, Killua?" asks Gon.
"Five sounds good." answers Killua.
"Coming right up!" says Gon as he flips a pancake.

Killua watches Gon. He likes to see him happy.
They finish their pancakes. Killua gets up to leave.

"Hey, I'm going out. I might not see you before you leave so good luck tonight." says Killua as he grabs his backpack.

"Sure. Have fun!" exclaims Gon.

Killua knocks on Kaiya's door. She opens it wearing her usual plaid skirt and oversized t-shirt.

"Killua! Come in!" exclaims Kaiya.

Killua walks in and takes his shoes off.

"Hey," says Killua.
"So what do you want to do today?" asks Kaiya.
"I don't know. Want to just watch a movie?" asks Killua.
"Yeah, sure." answers Kaiya.

Killua and Kaiya are sitting on her futon while watching a horror movie. She holds onto Killua's arm during the scary parts. She looks at Killua and notices he looks bored.

"You don't like the movie?" asks Kaiya.
"It's alright. I've just seen it before." answers Killua.
"You should have said something." says Kaiya.

Killua is silent. Kaiya shifts her body so she is on Killua's lap.

"What's on your mind?" she asks.
"Oh, just thinking about my friend. He is having relationship trouble." answers Killua.
"Who? Gon? You are always thinking about him. I'm sure he can figure out his problems on his own." says Kaiya, annoyed.
"Yeah, you would think. But Gon thinks with his heart and not with his brain." says Killua.
"Same girl?" asks Kaiya.
"Yep." answers Killua.
"Who is she?" asks Kaiya while she gets off of Killua.
"Some girl named Sora. She works as a special ed teacher in the city." answers Killua.
"I know her." says Kaiya.
"Wait...you know her?" asks Killua, surprised.
"Yep. She dated my ex-roommate a couple of years ago. She was a total bitch." answers Kaiya while lighting a cigarette.
"Really?" asks Killua.
"Yeah. She led my roommate on for a few months before dumping her for some rich guy with an accent." answers Kaiya.

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