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The next morning, Killua is standing in line to go to the dining hall for breakfast with the other inmates. He is wearing an orange jumpsuit. His arms are crossed behind his neck.

Another inmate pushes him.

"Hey! Move up!" shouts the inmate.


Killua rolls his eyes and starts to walk. After grabbing his tray, he sits down at one of the tables. He isn't hungry so he just sits there with his eyes closed and leans back in his chair.

"Hey, man...are you going to eat that?" asks one of the inmates.
"No." answers Killua with his eyes closed.
"Can I have it?" he asks.

Killua opens one eye to look his way.

"What do I get in return?" asks Killua.
"Aww...c'mon, man! I ain't got nothing to give you." says the inmate.
"Then my answer is...no." says Killua.

The inmate stands up and pushes Killua off of his chair. Killua falls down and lands on his back.

Idiot number two.

"C'mon, man! Stand up and fight me!" shouts the inmate.

Killua slowly gets up from the floor. He straightens out his jumpsuit and slowly walks up close to the inmate who pushed him.

"Zoldyck!" yells out one of the guards.

Damn. It was just starting to get a little fun here.

Killua walks over to where the guard is standing.

"Yeah?" asks Killua.
"You have a visitor." answers the guard.
"A visitor? But I never filled out the visitation list." says Killua.

Killua notices a large round head needle coming out of the guard's head.

Oh...I get it.

Killua follows the guard outside. Illumi is sitting at one of the tables. Killua sits down across from him.

"Big brother. What are you doing here?" asks Killua.
"Hello, Kil. And here I thought you were all done with murder." says Illumi, ignoring Killua's question. He smiles at Killua.
"Yeah, well...something came up." says Killua while looking away at nothing.
"A Zoldyck behind bars? This simply will not do." says Illumi.
"Oh, well. Nothing we can do about it now." says Killua.
"I'm getting you out of here." says Illumi.
"No, you're not. I don't need help from anyone. I did something terrible and now I need to pay for it." says Killua as he stands up. "I see the judge this afternoon and I'm pleading guilty. Now leave me the hell alone."

Killua walks back inside, leaving Illumi alone at the table.

Meanwhile, Gon is taking care of Kaiya in his condo. He allowed her to sleep in Killua's room last night. She is very worried about Killua and has been crying on and off since he got arrested.

Gon is looking in his refrigerator and Kaiya is sitting on a barstool at the kitchen counter. Tears are falling from her cheeks. Gon turns to look at her as soon as he hears her sniffle.

"Oh...good morning, Kaiya. How did you sleep?" asks Gon.
"Terrible. I am too worried about Killua to sleep." answers Kaiya.
"Yeah. But don't worry about Killua. He's been through worse." says Gon.
"He has? What could be worse than jail?" asks Kaiya.

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