You hold my heart captive, Gon

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What the hell? I knew this bitch was trouble.

Killua uses Godspeed as he runs back home. He runs into the condo and looks around for Gon. He kicks his shoes off and finds Gon in his bedroom. He is lying on his futon in the fetal position, crying. Killua squats down next to Gon.

"What happened?" asks Killua.
"Killua!" exclaims Gon when he notices his friend.

Gon sits up and hugs Killua. Killua hugs him back with one arm.

"It hurts, Killua! It hurts so bad!" Gon cries on Killua's shoulder.
"What hurts?" asks Killua.
"My heart. My stomach. Everything!" answers Gon in between sobs.

Gon falls back onto his futon.

"But what happened?" asks Killua.
"I don't know...I called her and she just told me it was over." answers Gon while holding his stomach.
"She didn't give you a reason?" asks Killua, angrily.
"No." answers Gon.
"That's because you allow her to walk all over you!" yells Killua.
"Stop yelling at me, Killua. Now's not the time." says Gon.
"I'm sorry. It just makes me angry. How dare she just tell you that your relationship is over without giving a reason why." explains Killua.

Gon doesn't reply. He is rolling around his futon while hugging a pillow. Killua watches his friend writhe in pain.

It hurts me, too. It hurts me to see you like this.

Killua swallows hard.

An hour later, Killua is still in Gon's room. He is sitting next to the futon. Gon has finally fallen asleep. Killua watches as Gon sleeps. He looks so peaceful. Tears form in Killua's eyes.

"Gon, you are light. You hold my heart captive. I'll do whatever it takes to protect you from getting hurt again. I promise." says Killua.

Gon smiles in his sleep. Killua gets up to leave. He walks out to the balcony and stands on the railing. It is dark, but he can still see the waves crashing on the shore. He is deep in thought.

I swore I wouldn't do it again, but for you, I'll do anything.

Killua walks back inside. He grabs his backpack and leaves. He takes the train to the city and walks to Sora's apartment building. He stands in front of it and stares. He could easily break in, but he feels it would be less suspicious if he is already inside of the building. He reaches into his pocket to grab his phone. He calls Leorio.

"Hey, are you home?" asks Killua.
"No, I'm working through the night." answers Leorio.
"Damn. I'm in the city and I need a place to stay tonight." says Killua.
"Just stop by the hospital. I'll give you my key." says Leorio.
"Sounds good. See you soon." says Killua as he ends the call and starts to walk to the hospital.

Killua arrives at the hospital and takes the elevator to Leorio's unit.

"Hey, Killua!" exclaims Leorio.
"Hey," says Killua.
"Oh, right...the key," says Leorio while he searches his pockets.
"Damn. I left them in the on-call room. Come on." says Leorio as he gets up.

Leorio directs Killua to the on-call room. Killua opens the door. Leorio is closely behind. It smells like a mixture between metal and floral perfume. Killua and Leorio's eyes widened as soon as they recognized the two people inside.

"Kurapika?" asks Leorio, surprised to see his best friend in the on-call room. "What are you doing here?"

Kurapika is straightening his suit. His girlfriend helps him with his tie. She gives him a kiss before walking out of the room.

Leorio stops her before she leaves the room.

"Your shift ended hours ago. What are you still doing here?" asks Leorio.

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