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Killua is in the next room with the door cracked open. He continues to watch as Kurapika cries over Kohana's body. Kurapika is covered in her blood. He is still trying to stop the bleeding even though he knows she is already dead.

Killua quietly closes the door. He slowly walks to Kaiya, who is panicking while staring at the two dead bodies. It smells like a mixture of burnt flesh and blood in the room.

Gon and Leorio take the elevator up to the fourth floor. Leorio is excited to find out how Kurapika's proposal went. Gon is heartbroken, however, he is also happy for his friend.

"Kurapika is a lucky man! I know he has been wanting to propose to Kohana for a while now." Leorio says to Gon, excitedly.
"I'm excited for him. Kurapika deserves to be happy." says Gon.

As soon as the elevator doors open, Gon and Leorio hear Kurapika's screams. They run to find him. Their eyes widened as soon as they saw Kurapika. They stand in shock as they watch Kurapika, who is covered in blood, holding Kohana's body.

They slowly walk next to Kurapika. As soon as Kurapika sees Leorio, he jumps on him.

"I can't do this, Leorio! I can't keep losing people I love." screams Kurapika. He grips Leorio tightly, staining his suit with blood.

Leorio holds his best friend. Gon stands next to them, in shock.

"Wh...what happened?" asks Gon.
"I don't know! Why would someone do this to my beautiful Kohana?" screams Kurapika. He lets go of Leorio and sits back down next to Kohana's body. He feels the grip on his heart getting tighter.

Leorio is on the phone with the police.

Kaiya hears Leorio on the phone. She is trembling in fear now that her adrenaline is wearing off.

"What the hell am I supposed to do now?" Kaiya asks Killua.

Killua watches as Kaiya paces around the room.

"Have you ever killed a person before?" asks Killua.
"Hell no. Who do you think I am?" asks Kaiya. "The police will be here any second now. How am I going to get these bodies out of here?" asks Kaiya, panicking.
"I don't know. Assassins are only required to do the job. Never the disposal." answers Killua.
"Huh?" asks Kaiya, giving Killua a confused look.

Killua walks closer to Kaiya. He grabs her shoulders.

"'s going to be okay. I'll get you out of here." says Killua.

Immediately before the police arrive, Killua grabs Kaiya and they both escape out of the window together. He takes Kaiya to her apartment. Kaiya has calmed down now that she is away from the hotel. They both stand in the kitchen.

Kaiya looks down at her dress.

"Dammit! I have Sora's blood all over me. What a bitch." says Kaiya.
"I can't believe you just sliced Sora's throat like it was nothing. Why the hell would you do that?" asks Killua while facing Kaiya.
"You were always worrying about her and Gon. Now maybe you can give me a little more attention." answers Kaiya.
"Are you sure you haven't done that before?" asks Killua.
"Nope. I guess I'm a natural." answers Kaiya with a smile.

Why am I so turned on right now?

Killua presses his lips against Kaiya's. His heart skips a beat as soon as he inhales the smell of blood that is all over Kaiya. She parts her lips. She feels a tingling sensation throughout her body as she caresses his tongue with hers. Killua breaks the kiss and picks Kaiya up. He places her on the kitchen counter. A few dishes fall to the floor, making a loud sound as they break. He claims her mouth again, kissing her fiercely. He is hungry for her. Kaiya's hands make their way under his shirt. She traces the outline of his muscles with her fingers. A minute later, she throws her head back and Killua kisses her neck. He rips her dress off and takes her.

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