Jail Time

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Killua is on the train headed home. He is looking out the window with his chin resting on his palm. He is deep in thought.

Damn. Kurapika really saved me back there. If I didn't run into him in the stairwell, I would have been on the security camera on the third floor. What the hell was I thinking?

Killua walks into his condo and takes off his shoes. Gon is eating breakfast on the kitchen counter.

"Good morning, Killua!" exclaims Gon with a big smile on his face.
"Morning. What smells so good?" asks Killua.
"Sora made breakfast before she left. Come and have some." offers Gon.
"Sure, thanks." says Killua while pulling out a barstool from under the counter.

There is a big platter full of omelettes, pancakes, and bacon sitting on the counter. Killua helps himself to a plateful of food.

"Did you have fun at Leorio's last night?" asks Gon.
"Sure. He's a blast to hang out with." answers Killua, sarcastically. "How was your night?"
"Great! We had a lot of fun. Thanks again, Killua." answers Gon.
"Yep." says Killua.

Gon's smile fades. He looks down and then back at Killua.

"Hey, Killua?" asks Gon.
"Yeah?" asks Killua.
"Would it be okay if Sora stayed here a few nights a week?" asks Gon, nervously.

Killua stops eating and jumps off of his stool. He walks to his bedroom.

"Killua?" asks Gon.

Killua turns back around.

"Why don't you just ask her to move in?" asks Killua.
"Killua!" exclaims Gon while he gets up from his seat. He faces Killua.
"Seriously, Gon. I thought we bought this place for us!" shouts Killua.
"We did!" shouts Gon.
"Then why the hell doesn't it feel like it?" asks Killua as he turns around and walks into his bedroom.

The next two weeks quickly pass by. Gon is still spending most of his time with Sora. Killua continues to have his suspicions, but he doesn't want to ruin his friendship with Gon.

It is a Saturday and Gon left to spend the day with Sora. Killua is bored by himself at home. He is looking through his phone.

I can text Kaiya. Maybe she wants to hang out.

Killua sends Kaiya a text message and she replies right away. They agree to meet at an ice cream shop.

Kaiya is already there when Killua arrives. She is wearing a black plaid skirt and an oversized shirt. She is wearing long socks with her black combat boots even though it is almost one hundred degrees outside. She happily waves at him. Killua sits down in front of her.

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to text me." says Kaiya with a big smile on her face.
"Yeah." says Killua. He crosses his arms behind his neck and leans his chair back.
"How is your friend?" asks Kaiya.
"He's good." answers Killua. He looks up at the menu on the wall. "I'm going to get a sundae, want one?"
"Sure!" answers Kaiya, excitedly.

They sit and eat their sundaes while they talk. Kaiya does most of the talking. Killua looks up at the clock.

Well, this killed almost an hour. What can I do until Gon gets home?

"Hey, so have you been to the new skate park?" asks Kaiya.
"Yeah." answers Killua.
"How did you like it?" asks Kaiya.
"I liked it." answers Killua.
"Want to go?" asks Kaiya.
"Yeah, but I didn't bring my board with me." answers Killua.
"That's okay. I brought two." says Kaiya with a smile.

Killua and Kaiya head over to the skate park. It isn't too crowded for a Saturday. Kaiya throws her board down and jumps on it.

She is going to skate wearing that?

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