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Gon is upset with Killua for making Sora cry.

"Let's just go. It's obvious he doesn't like me." says Sora while crying.
"No! He's going to apologize!" exclaims Gon while he gets up and knocks on Killua's door. "Killua! Open the door!"

Killua opens his door. Gon goes in and shuts the door behind him. Killua sits on his futon and looks up at Gon.
"What's up?" asks Killua.
"What was that all about, Killua?" asks Gon.
"Come on, Gon. You haven't even known her for two weeks. You can't tell me you are serious about that girl." answers Killua.
"It doesn't matter if I am or not. You were still rude to her. Please go and apologize." says Gon.

Killua is silent for a few seconds. He rolls his eyes and jumps up from his futon.

"I'm doing it for you, Gon." says Killua as he opens his door to walk out to the living room.

Sora notices Killua walking towards her. She wipes the tears from her eyes. Killua stops in front of her.

"I'm sorry." says Killua. He doesn't make eye contact with her.
"No, I'm sorry. It's obvious that I have been keeping Gon from you. I just really like him." says Sora.

Killua doesn't respond.

"Would you like to come with us?" asks Sora.
"Nah." answers Killua as he walks away.

Gon hangs his head down. He is still upset with Killua, but he knows that is the best apology he is going to get from him.

Gon and Sora leave. Killua stays in his room. He eventually falls asleep out of boredom.

After midnight, Gon comes back home. He tries to be as quiet as possible, but Killua is a very light sleeper. Killua opens his eyes. He can hear Gon walking to his bedroom. He can also hear the sound of someone else's footsteps. Killua jolts from his futon and listens carefully.

Did he seriously have the nerve to bring her over? Killua says in his head.

Killua can hear Sora giggling.

There is just something about that girl that I don't like.

Killua lays back down. He covers his head with a blanket. He feels thirsty so he gets back up to get something to drink. On his way to the kitchen, he notices Gon's door isn't closed all the way. He grabs the doorknob to close it. He peeks in before closing the door. The room is dark besides the moonlight coming in through the window. Killua can see movement from under Gon's comforter. He can hear Gon and Sora moaning from underneath. Killua is disgusted and closes the door. He walks into the kitchen and grabs a juice from the refrigerator. He sits at the kitchen counter for the next hour.
Gon walks into the kitchen. He doesn't notice Killua right away. He grabs a juice from the refrigerator and starts to walk back to his room. He notices Killua on his way back.

"Oh, hey! I didn't see you there." says Gon. "Can't sleep?"
"So you're fucking her now?" asks Killua.

Gon is shocked. He didn't expect that response from Killua.

"I'm sorry. I was going to call you to ask if it was okay if I brought her over, but it was late. I didn't want to wake you up." explains Gon.
"That's not the point, Gon. You barely know this girl." says Killua.
"I'm not stupid, Killua. I used protection. Not that I need to explain myself to you. You're not my Aunt Mito." says Gon.
"I just don't want you to become too attached to her. I don't trust that girl." says Killua.
"Well, good thing that's not your problem." says Gon.
"It is. You're my best friend. Or do you not see us that way anymore?" asks Killua.
"Of course I do, Killua." answers Gon.

Killua jumps off of the bar stool.

"It would be nice if you acted like it every once in a while." says Killua as he walks to his bedroom.

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