First Impresion

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Gon stares at Killua with a confused expression on his face.

"How do you know Sora lives in this building, Killua?" asks Gon.

Killua closes his eyes. He takes a deep breath before opening them again.

"I'm sorry, Gon. I read your text messages from her. You really should password protect your phone." answers Killua at ease.
"Oh." says Gon. "But why would you go through my messages?" he asks.
"I was bored and you left your phone on the couch. Don't worry, I didn't see anything I shouldn't have." answers Killua.
"Oh, ok." says Gon. He turns to look at Leorio. "So this is your apartment? It's really nice, Leorio!"
"Thank you, Gon! I'm glad you were able to stop by!" exclaims Leorio.
"Yeah, I walked Sora home after dinner and decided to come up. She is seven floors below you." says Gon, pointing down.

Gon continues to tell Leorio all about his new girlfriend.

"Yeah, she is a few years older than me, but that's okay." says Gon.

Killua gets bored and walks back to the kitchen to finish his cheesecake. While he is eating his dessert, he hears the sound of glass shattering through the door that leads to Kurapika's apartment. He hops off of the stool he is sitting on and places his ear against the door. Killua has a shocked expression on his face as he listens to what is going on in Kurapika's apartment. He quickly backs away and joins Gon and Leorio in the living room.

"Oh, there you are, Killua!" exclaims Gon. "I really wanted to apologize again for not spending time with you. Sora is sorry, too. But the reason why Sora invited me out tonight was because she is going to start teaching summer school tomorrow."
"It's cool," says Killua. He looks at Leorio. "Hey, does Kurapika have a girlfriend? There is some serious action going on there." Killua says while pointing to Kurapika's apartment.
"Yeah, it gets pretty loud in there. Good thing my bedroom is on the other side. I don't know what's going on though. He punches me every time I ask." answers Leorio.

Killua, Gon, and Leorio continue to talk in the living room for the next hour. Gon and Leorio do most of the talking. Killua yawns and closes his eyes. There is a knock on the door. Leorio gets up to see who it is.

"Oh, hey, Kurapika. I thought you weren't going to be home tonight." says Leorio.
"Don't start questioning me, Leorio." says Kurapika while walking to the living room.

Gon excitedly gets up to greet Kurapika.

"Hey, Kurapika! I applied for the position!" exclaims Gon.
"Yes. I was notified. They would like you to shadow me for the next few weeks. Is that alright with you?" asks Kurapika.
"Yeah, of course! When do I start?" asks Gon.
"Tomorrow." answers Kurapika.
"Okay. What time should I meet you?" asks Gon.
"Just be in front of this building at six a.m." answers Kurapika.
"Ummm...okay. I'll be here!" says Gon. He is not thrilled about getting up that early.
"Great," says Kurapika. He turns to Killua. "Are you sure you don't want to join us?" he asks.
"Hell no. I have enough money in my account from work I did as a kid to last me the next twenty years." answers Killua.

Killua and Gon visit for the next thirty minutes before heading back home.

Early the next morning, Killua is lying on his futon. His eyes are wide open. He can hear Gon's alarm going off in his room. It continues to go off every nine minutes for the next half hour. Killua is annoyed so he decides to get up. He walks into Gon's room and pulls the cord to the alarm clock out of the socket.

"Get up, Gon! You're going to be late!" shouts Killua.

Gon slowly sits up on his futon. He yawns as he rubs his eyes.

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