I'm here for you, Gon.

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A few months later, Killua, Gon, and Sora are on the couch watching a movie. Killua has been able to spend more time with Gon since Sora has been working. Things have been going well for Killua. He has his best friend to himself during the day and hangs out with Kaiya in the evening while Gon is with Sora.

Halfway through the movie, Sora's phone rings. Killua looks her way. Her face turns pale as she answers it. She gets up to take the call.

"Need me to pause the movie for you, beautiful?" Gon asks Sora.
"No, thank you. I'll be right back." Sora answers as she walks out to the balcony to take the call.

Killua gets up to get a drink.

"Want anything from the kitchen?" Killua asks Gon.
"No, thank you." answers Gon.

Killua walks into the kitchen and he can see Sora on the balcony. Killua pays attention to her body language. She is pacing as if she is distressed.

Minutes later, she comes back inside. Her eyes are red and teary. She stands in front of Gon.

"Honey bunch, I'm so sorry, but I have to leave now," says Sora.
"Really? Why?" asks Gon as he stands up.
"It's...It's nothing. I'll call you later." answers Sora.
"Okay. But I can't let you leave without a kiss." says Gon as he kisses her goodbye.

Sora leaves and Killua is happy.

"Good! Now we can watch what we want!" exclaims Killua as he changes the romantic comedy that was playing to an action movie.
"The movie wasn't that bad." says Gon.

Sora has been canceling a lot of dates with Gon over the past few weeks. He is sadly sitting at the kitchen counter. Killua walks in holding grocery bags. He throws them on the kitchen counter and walks up to Gon, noticing the sad expression on his face.

"I thought you were leaving. What's up?" asks Killua.
"She cancelled again." answers Gon.
"What the hell? That's three times in a row." says Killua.
"I know." says Gon.

Killua notices a nicely wrapped present in front of Gon.

"What's that?" asks Killua.
"It's a gold bracelet. I've been trying to give it to her." answers Gon.
"Maybe tomorrow. Hey, I can cancel my plans with Kaiya tonight. We can hang out instead." says Killua.
"Hey, Killua?" asks Gon.
"Yeah?" responds Killua.
"I think I'm in love with her." says Gon while staring at the present.
"Are you serious?" asks Killua, in shock.
"Yes. I want to tell her." answers Gon.
"Okay, listen. You will tell her tomorrow. I'll leave you the condo. I don't mind staying with Leorio." says Killua.
"Really? But what if she cancels again?" asks Gon.

She better not cancel on Gon again. I will find out what is going on.

"Tell her you have something very important to say. Stop being a pushover." answers Killua.
"You're right. I have been letting her just cancel on me without any explanation." says Gon.
"Hey, Gon? Question for you. Have you ever been to her apartment?" asks Killua.
"No, I haven't. Why?" asks Gon.
"Just wondering." answers Killua.

Gon, you don't find that a little strange?

The next evening, Gon is excitedly getting ready. Sora has agreed to spend the night with Gon.

"Wish me good luck!" exclaims Gon to Killua as he leaves.

Killua gets ready to spend the night at Leorio's apartment again. On his way, he stops in the restaurant where Gon is with Sora. It is a very nice rooftop restaurant. Killua sits at the corner table, facing away from Gon. He is able to hear their conversation.

"Sora, I have something for you." says Gon as he places the present in front of Sora.

Sora gasps.

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