Emperor Time vs Godspeed

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Kurapika's judgement chain returns to his little finger. He walks Kaiya over to Leorio.

"Get her out of here." Kurapika says to Leorio.

Kurapika faces Killua.

"Let's go." says Kurapika to Killua.
"Huh? Where are we going?" asks Killua, confused.
"Far from here." answers Kurapika.

Killua follows Kurapika to a deserted area far from the city. Leorio follows them while driving Gon and Kaiya.

Kurapika faces Killua.

Gon jumps out of Leorio's car as soon as it's parked.

"Killua!" shouts Gon.

Kurapika stares at Killua.

"What makes you think you don't deserve a punishment for what you did?" asks Kurapika.
"I never said I didn't." answers Killua.
"Then why are you here and not behind bars?" asks Kurapika.
"Look...I was more than willing to spend the rest of my life there. It was my big brother who got me out." answers Killua.

Kurapika places his hand over his eyes.

"Emperor Time." says Kurapika as his eyes turn scarlet. His aura surrounds him.
"Fuck...we're really doing this?" asks Killua.

Killua activates his Nen.

"Godspeed." says Killua as electricity surrounds him.

Gon and Leorio watch them with widened eyes. Kaiya is sitting inside of the car, crying. Gon notices.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Gon asks Kaiya.
"I don't know...I guess I feel guilty." answers Kaiya.
"None of this was your fault." says Gon.
"I'm just not a good person." says Kaiya.
"Don't say that." says Gon. He turns his attention back to Killua and Kurapika.

Kurapika jumps toward Killua with his right arm pulled back. He punches Killua in the face with his enhanced fist. Kurapika spins his body and attempts to kick Killua. Killua is able to block his kick with his arm. Kurapika jumps back. He jumps up in the air, spins, and attempts to land a kick. Killua uses Godspeed to avoid Kurapika's attack.

Is he actually trying to hurt me?

Kurapika doesn't give up and continues to attack Killua.

"Whirlwind!" shouts Killua as he strikes Kurapika with a back spin kick.

Kurapika falls back as soon as he feels the electricity from Killua's attack. He does a back handspring and quickly recovers.

He's still not giving up. Damn. I don't want to hurt him.

Kurapika and Killua face each other. Gon and Leorio stand outside of the car and nervously watch. Kaiya is still in the car. She is becoming restless. Sweat forms on her forehead.

Killua uses Godspeed to jump around Kurapika, making it difficult for Kurapika to see him. Kurapika focuses on Killua's aura and is able to figure out where to land an attack. He successfully lands a kick, sending Killua back.

Gon is grinding his teeth.

"Hey, Kurapika! Enough already! Can't you see Killua doesn't want to hurt you?" shouts Gon.

Killua stands up and faces Kurapika.

"He's right. I don't want to fight you." says Killua.
"I don't want to fight you either." says Kurapika. His eyes return to their normal color.
"Then what the hell?" asks Killua while deactivating Godspeed.
"When I saw that you were free, I allowed my emotions to take over." answers Kurapika.
"I'm sorry." says Killua.

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