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Gon and Killua take a taxi to the city. They hop out of the car and start to explore.

"Wow! I'm not used to the city. This is awesome!" exclaims Gon while looking around.
"Yeah, my big brother used to bring me to the city for jobs before I met you." says Killua.
"Right. I think Yorknew was the last city I visited." says Gon.

They take a walk around the park and then they try to figure out where to go for lunch. They walk down a busy street lined with a variety of food trucks. They pass a big hospital on their way to the food trucks.

"Hey, that must be where Leorio works." says Gon.
"Yeah, maybe we should mess with him after lunch," says Killua.

Gon laughs. They continue to walk. Gon notices someone hiding behind a bench. He looks closer.

"Hey, isn't that Kurapika?" asks Gon.
"Yeah, what the hell is he doing?" asks Killua while paying attention to Kurapika's movements.
"Let's say hi!" exclaims Gon.

Killua blocks Gon with his arm.
"Wait! He's hunting." says Killua.
"What? Really?" asks Gon while watching Kurapika. "Oh, you're right. I wonder who he is hunting." says Gon.

They continue to watch Kurapika from afar. Kurapika starts to run fast across the street and jumps on a man dressed in all black. He slams the man on the concrete face down and handcuffs him. Kurapika keeps one foot on the man's back while he makes a phone call. Gon and Killua run over to him.

"Kurapika! That was amazing!" exclaims Gon.
"Yeah, great job." says Killua.

Kurapika looks at Gon and Killua while talking on his phone. He gives them an annoyed look. He hangs up his phone.

"I'm a little busy right now," says Kurapika in a serious tone.
"We see that. Just trying to give you a little praise. Damn." says Killua.
"I appreciate that, however, this is my job. I do this all day." says Kurapika.

Gon is still amazed.

"You really do this all day, Kurapika?" asks Gon.
"Yes." answers Kurapika.
"That must be so much fun." says Gon.
"Are you looking for a job? I can refer you to my agent if you'd like." says Kurapika.
"Really?" asks Gon.

Killua is growing impatient.

"Forget about that, Gon. Let's get out of here." says Killua.
"Well, we are going to need to get jobs eventually." says Gon.

Killua walks away.

"Well, see you later, Kurapika!" exclaims Gon while he follows Killua.

Gon and Killua decide on eating yakitori skewers from one of the food trucks. After lunch, they walk back down the street in the direction to the hospital. A beautiful woman with long brown hair and big brown eyes passes Gon and Killua. Gon and the woman briefly make eye contact. She smiles at Gon as she passes by. Gon stops walking and looks back at her. Killua notices Gon had stopped walking.

"What are you doing, Gon?" asks Killua.
"That woman. She is so beautiful." says Gon while still looking in her direction.
"Yeah? This is the city. The streets are full of them." says Killua.
"No. Not like this one." says Gon.

They continue to walk to the hospital. They enter through the big glass doors and head towards the elevators.

"Which department did Leorio say he worked in?" asks Gon while he looks at the directory next to the elevators.
"He helps kids, right? So that's pediatrics, Gon." answers Killua.

They take the elevator up to the pediatrics unit. They walk around and they don't see Leorio. An older aide notices Gon and Killua and offers them assistance.

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