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Killua is sitting on Sora's couch in the dark. He is expecting her to be home any minute. It was easy for him to break into her apartment. Breaking and entering was one of the first things he was taught as a child.

He can hear the sound of keys rattling as Sora unlocks her door. She comes inside and is laughing. She is with a man.

"I'm so glad you decided to end it with your little friend," says the man.
"Yeah, I'm so sorry about that. It's just that you took so long to return. I got a little lonely." says Sora.
"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting." he says as he kisses Sora's neck. "Was he able to pleasure you the way that I do?"
"Oh, Seiichi." Sora moans. "Of course not. He is much too inexperienced."
They both walk into Sora's room and close the door.

Killua tries to remain calm as he sits on the couch. He waits for Sora to come out.

An hour later, Sora comes out of her bedroom. She walks into the kitchen to get a drink. She walks to the living room and sits on the loveseat across from the couch. She doesn't notice Killua.

"Inexperienced, huh?" Killua asks Sora.

Sora jumps back and almost spills her drink.

"Killua! What the hell are you doing here?" asks Sora in shock. "He might hear you."
"Want me to get rid of him for you?" asks Killua.
"What are you talking about?" asks Sora.
"So Gon is too inexperienced for you, huh? I'm sorry my best friend isn't a promiscuous little bitch like you." says Killua, angrily.
"Why are you so mad? I told you I had this situation under control. Gon is still happy, right?" asks Sora.
"Yes. But you almost got caught. You see...we were at the same restaurant as you this evening." answers Killua.
"You were?" asks Sora, surprised.
"Yes. Listen up. Two of our close friends live in this building. They haven't met you yet so it isn't too big of a deal right now. But I am sure Gon will want you to meet them soon. What are you going to do when they see you with another man?" asks Killua.

Sora is silent. She doesn't know how to respond. Killua stands up and walks towards her. He changes the anatomy of his right hand and shows her his razor-sharp claws. She trembles in fear.

"A reminder of how serious I am. Don't fuck up." says Killua.

A few weeks later, Gon is sitting at the kitchen counter looking through the mail. He finds the invitation to the awards ceremony at The Sapphire Plaza.

"Hey...look, Killua! It's the invitation Kurapika was talking about! I'm going to invite Sora. Are you going to invite Kaiya?" asks Gon.
"Huh? Uh...yeah." answers Killua.
"Kurapika and Leorio will finally get to meet Sora," says Gon.
"Yeah." says Killua. "I'm actually about to see Kaiya. I'll ask her about it. When is it again?"

Gon gives Killua the invitation. Killua leaves to meet up with Kaiya. She invites him into her apartment.

"Sure, I would love to go!" exclaims Kaiya.

Killua is silent.

"There you go again. What is it now?" asks Kaiya, noticing Killua's lack of expression. "Are you thinking about Gon and Sora again?"
"Yeah." answers Killua.
"Okay, she's gotta go. I told you...she is bad news." says Kaiya, frustrated.
"I know. I just need to convince Gon of that." says Killua.
"Do you need my help?" asks Kaiya.
"Help with what?" asks Killua. "Gon isn't going to listen to you."
"Not with Gon. With Sora. Do you need my help in getting rid of her?" answers Kaiya.
"What do you mean get rid of her?" asks Killua, confused.
"I could make up some bizarre story about Gon and maybe she'll not want to see him again." answers Kaiya.
"That won't work. Don't worry about it. I got it under control." says Killua.
"Well, whatever you're doing now isn't working." says Kaiya.
"So this awards thing sounds fun, right?" asks Killua, changing the subject.
"Yeah, it does!" answers Kaiya. "What award is your friend getting?"
"Some award for being the best hunter in the city or something like that." answers Killua.
"Well, I'll finally get to wear the dress I spent a lot of jenny on and never wore." says Kaiya with a smile.

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