Chapter 25

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"Holy shit!" Mineta exclaimed with wide eyes from where he, Midoriya, and Asui were watching the ongoing fight between their sensei and the villains. "Isn't that Shirokage?!"


Moments before, they could only watch as a white haired female with a mask had leaped into the fray of battle, taking out villain after villain. Even without ever having seen her before, they knew exactly who she was. There was only one answer that made sense after all.

This girl was definitely Shirokage. 

"What the hell is she doing here?!" The short pervert panicked. It was bad enough that there were villains, but now there were vigilantes, too?!

"She seems to be helping, gero." Asui replied, watching as Shirokage seemed to banter with hero and villain alike all while she was still fighting. She didn't seem all that panicked at the sight of the vigilante. The girl seemed to be helping them after all. 

"If Shirokage is here, then we probably don't have to worry as much," Midoriya began his usual mumbling. "She's known for her moral code, so I doubt she's any threat to us. But she doesn't seem to be using her trademark fire. It could be because she doesn't need it, but it could also—"

"Midoriya," Asui stopped his rambling. "You're doing it again."

"Ah." Midoriya blanched, a blush covering his face in his embarrassment. 

"Does this mean we can leave now?" Mineta asked. He was honestly wishing that they had just listened to Aizawa's orders in the first place. 

Midoriya and Asui just gave him a look that caused him to deflate. Just because somebody had shown up to help, didn't mean that everything was suddenly going to be okay. 

"What do we—" the question was cut off as all three of them looked towards the central plaza in horror. 

They may have been able to win against the small-time villains in the flood zone, but watching as their teacher was smashed into the ground by a nomu, they realized just how little they'd truly seen and how little they truly knew. They thought that they knew the extent of the situation. They thought that they'd be able to handle it. 

Unfortunately, the world of villains and pros was something else entirely, and they weren't ready for it. 

Not yet.


"Eraser Head!" Shirokage exclaimed in shock as the man was slammed into the ground by the nomu. One moment, she was fighting against a crowd of villains that had surrounded her, the next moment, she was watching as the hero was laying on the ground and getting his arm crushed. The three observing students felt a shiver go down their spines at the red flash of her eyes behind her mask. 

Within a flash, the vigilante was at Aizawa's side, and the nomu was sent flying. The three heroes-in-training hadn't even seen her move, but they could definitely feel her rage even from the distance they were at. 

"Who said you could touch him?" Shirokage's voice resounded throughout the area despite having spoken barely above a whisper. Her flames flickered in and out around her as she stood protectively over Aizawa's unconscious body. Eventually, the white fire curled around the hero, emitting a slight glow as the man's injuries slowly began to heal. 

"Impossible..." Shigaraki muttered, scratching irritably at his neck and as he stared in the direction of where the nomu had been sent flying. It honestly wasn't that far. It was still in the central plaza, and they all still had a clear view of it as it stood up. What made them pause, however, was the fact that it's entire arm had been blown off.  "Nomu is unbeatable... Shadows are cheaters... They need to be destroyed..."

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