Chapter 6

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Masami was practically shaking as she stared at the letter in her hand.

It had been nearly two weeks since the entrance exam had occurred, and she had finally received the letter that would ultimately decide the school she would be attending come April. The stress was real. Masami's boss, Hinamori Kiyoko, had even closed down the café temporarily upon finding the letter in the mail. Yes, Masami had her letter delivered to her work instead of her own home. So now, she had all of her coworkers surrounding her as she carefully tore open the envelope.

"Did you get in? Did you get in?!" Masami's coworker, Fujiyama Arata, leaned over the table they were all sitting at in anticipation. He, himself, was actually a third year in the Hero Course at U.A., so he was extra excited. If Masami got in, that meant he'd be able to see her even more often than he usually does. It made him smile just thinking about it. He liked to think of himself as an older brother to Masami and was rather protective over her despite knowing that she could most definitely protect herself if need be.


Arata Fujiyama: He's a third year at U.A. and an employee at the same café as Masami. His quirk is called Demon. It essentially allows him to transform into a demon-like creature. However, his transformation only lasts a certain amount time and can give him a major migraine if he over exerts himself. He also has a tendency to tease Masami and try to scare her. He thinks of himself like an older brother to her.

 He thinks of himself like an older brother to her

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Sending Arata a small smile as she finished reading her letter, Masami gave him a nod. She had been accepted into Hogwarts! Whoops, U.A., not Hogwarts. As regrettable as it was, Masami had never received her Hogwarts letter at the tender age of eleven.

The others cheered, and Kiyoko clapped Masami on the back before hugging her with a squeal.

"I knew you could do it!" Hinamori Kiyoko was basically a proud aunt that took care of Masami when needed. She had been friends with the girl's mother after all. It was the least she could do. And besides, she cared deeply for Masami even if she was a bit strict at times. So, it was safe to say that her heart was swelling with pride at the news.


Kiyoko Hinamori: The owner of Melody Café who happens to be a family friend of Masami. Her quirk, Resonance, allows her to feel the emotions of others as well as emit emotions in order to affect the emotions of others.

 Her quirk, Resonance, allows her to feel the emotions of others as well as emit emotions in order to affect the emotions of others

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