Chapter 28

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(Warning: I finally changed the name of Shirakumo to Akashika. I still need to go back and change the other chapters, though, so those will still have Shirakumo.)

"O-oh!" Masami frowned in remembrance as her, Tsukauchi, and Nezu stood up to leave the room as their discussion finally came to a close. "I-I, uh, I never asked if every— everybody was okay? I— I mean, given y-your expressions and mannerisms, I doubt th-that anyone has died, but then again, y-you guys are professionals, so I doubt you'd g-give those kinds of indicators so easily. However—"

Tsukauchi and Nezu watched on in slight amusement as Masami began to ramble on. They couldn't really blame her, though. She looked absolutely exhausted, and talking seemed to be one of the only things keeping her awake.

"Everybody's safe," Tsukauchi reassured her. "Thirteen and Eraserhead were in a pretty bad state, but they're both in the hospital right now and are completely stable. Only one student had any major injuries, but he's already been healed up and released to go home."

Masami breathed a small sigh of relief before pausing and narrowing her eyes. "L-let me guess," she started in an absolutely done tone. "The student was Mi-Midoriya Izuku, am I r-right?"

Tsukauchi blinked in surprise while Nezu remained amused. 

"How did you know?" The detective asked, not really sure why he was still being surprised by this teenager. He had thought that after everything she'd confessed during their discussion/interrogation, there'd be nothing left to surprise him with.

Masami let out a tired sigh. "Let's ju-just call it a gut feeling," she told him. "We've been friends s-since infancy, so I know all about his self-sacrificial per—personality. Besides, there's also th-the backlash of th-that quirk of his…"

"His quirk?" Tsukauchi asked, sharing a glance with Nezu as they both wondered if Masami knew about One for All. Now that was something that wouldn't necessarily surprise them. 

During their discussion, the topic of All for One had been broached at one point or another, and they had been quite a bit alarmed upon realizing the man was 1: still alive and 2: had managed to breach UA's defenses without them even noticing, even if he hadn't been there physically. 

"Mhm," Masami hummed with a nod of confirmation, leaving it at that with no extra details.  

The two adults didn't decided not to push the topic as they continued to walk towards the teachers work area. If Masami did truly know about One for All, then it was probably for the best that she did not speak up about it.

It was supposed to be a secret for a reason after all. 

The rest of the walk to the teachers work area/office space was spent in a comfortable silence with Tsukauchi taking the occasional glance towards Masami. 

There was something about her that felt familiar to the man, but he couldn't quite figure out why. There was a chance that it was because he had known her mother, but his gut told him that wasn't it. And after all of his years as a detective, he wasn't foolish enough to ignore his gut feelings. Somehow, he knew Hideyoshi Masami. 

Now he just had to figure out how. 

"Masami!!!" Any silence or contemplative thoughts were interrupted as the said girl was tackled into a hug as soon as they walked through the door and into the teachers workroom, which honestly wasn't all that far from the lounge that they had been in.

"Midnight-sensei?" The female hero felt an arrow hit her heart when Masami, once again, didn't call her Auntie Muri. Masami, on the other hand, tilted her head curiously. "What are you still do-doing here?"

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