Chapter 22

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Masami ended up waking up with a start. 

Sweat dripped down her brow as she shot up from her spot on the floor, eyes darting in every possible direction. This was definitely not the abandoned building she had been squatting at for years. For one, it was a lot nicer despite the dust that seemed to line the furniture. It was simple but surprisingly cozy, and 'cozy' wasn't exactly something that immediately computed in Masami's brain. It wasn't until her mind finally settled down that she remembered the events of the previous day. 

She had somehow managed to find herself in the sticky situation of being forced to live in the apartment of one of her teacher's all because she couldn't keep her damn mouth shut. That, and Nezu was a little bastard at times. 

Now, you may be asking why in the world our dear Masami was sleeping on the floor?

Well, to put it quite simply, despite there being a perfectly decent bed in the room, Masami had found it a bit too soft. In the past years, Masami had grown accustomed to sleeping in the ground, so it would prove difficult to be rid of such a habit. But, she'd still try to eventually acclimate herself so one day, maybe, she'd finally be able to get a full night's sleep atop an actual bed. 

Oh, how she dreams of that day.

The girl placed a hand on her forehead,  trying to hold back a groan as her head throbbed. Everything seemed so loud and bright that it was hard to focus, and if it wasn't for the fact that this had happened before, she would have thought that she was hungover. Not that she had had any alcohol recently. Probably. 

But alas, Masami was just having yet another sensory overload, and she didn't even have her sound dampening headphones. Woe is her. Luckily, she managed to weakly scramble through her bag where she knew she had her sunglasses and her phone. This wasn't the first time she had forgotten her ear plugs, which helped at least a bit with the overbearing noise, at one of her jobs. So, she, being aware of her constant forgetfulness, entrusted a pair with a certain green haired male. She had also given a pair to a certain explosive blonde, but contacting him would probably be a last resort. 

And so, she sent a quick text to Midoriya, asking him to bring her spare pair with him to school. Luckily, it wasn't too early in the morning but early enough for him to take notice of the text before he left for school. Even if he didn't notice, he normally kept the pair of ear plugs on him as a just-in-case. He had witnessed how bad Masami's sensory overloads could get, and he wasn't taking any chances. 

After confirming that the text went through, Masami shakily took hold of her sunglasses and slid them on her face despite it not being all that bright in the room. Everything was so overwhelming, though. It was like somebody decided that it would be a good idea to take her senses, which were already at a ten, and dial them up to a twenty. 

She held in a groan as she got up off the floor and began her daily routine to get ready for school. Her head was already throbbing as sound from all over the city seemed to bombard her ears. She always hated days like these. She always had such a hard time thinking straight. 

She was ready in a matter of minutes and trudged out of the bathroom she had ended up in to brush her teeth. She made her way to the kitchen after grabbing her backpack and barely made eye contact with Aizawa, who was sitting on the couch, before she slumped into one of the chairs next to the kitchen island. 

The tired looking man raised a brow at Masami's pained state. 

"You look like shit."

Masami only groaned, covering her ears as she tried to ignore the ringing in her head that came when Aizawa spoke.

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