Chapter 8

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Orientation went by without a hitch. However, for some unknown reason, Class 1-A didn't join. Present Mic looked at the spot they were supposed to be sitting with what seemed like exasperation, but nobody decided to mention it. They were sure that their homeroom teacher was just trying to get a headstart or something. Though, Masami was a bit disappointed that she didn't get to see Midoriya or Bakugo. She did, in fact, see Arata who had decided that waving at her spastically would be a good idea. It didn't help that he ended up gaining the attention of his fellow third years as well as Masami's own class.

    Masami had never wanted to just up and die more than that moment.

    But other than that, it went pretty well and ended without incident. It was just an ordinary orientation. They went back to their classrooms afterward and went over their schedules and such. It was almost surprising how ordinary everything seemed. Though, it took people a while to get over the oohing and awing over the fact that they were being taught by actual heroes.

    Since it was the first day of school, they weren't doing anything too important. They received their class syllabi, and the only class they had to leave the room for was PE which occurred at the very end of the day.

    Upon arriving to their PE class and being instructed to go change into their gym clothes, Masami couldn't help but feel a bit pleased that U.A.'s gym clothes were by no means revealing. However, the girls did have to change in the same locker room, making her a bit uncomfortable as she unbuttoned her shirt. She wore a tank top and spandex shorts underneath, so not much was shown, but she was still nervous. Her body was littered in scars, and she could tell that the others had definitely taken notice as she changed her uniform. Thankfully, none of them seemed to want to ask any questions, but they sent concerned glances her way every once in a while. As it was only the first day of school, and they knew nothing about each other, they figured it wouldn't be the best idea to go around asking personal questions.

Except for Michiko.

She was all for the bad ideas.

“What happened?!” Masami nearly shrieked as Michiko got a bit too close for comfort, examining each and every scar that was visible. Not even half of her scars were visible but there were still quite a few. “Who do I need to beat up?!”

While Masami was flattered that Michiko seemed to be perfectly willing to beat somebody up for her, she couldn’t help but try to cover herself in as much of a rush as possible. Now, literally all the attention was diverted to her, and she was a blushing, stuttering mess.

“I-- I-It’s no-nothing, really.”  Masami stammered out. “I-I’m just really, r-really clumsy. Th-that’s all.”

The other girls gave her a doubtful look. There was no way a person got so many scars just from being clumsy. Though, they wouldn’t doubt it that the girl was indeed clumsy. She just seemed to be the type.

“Alright, don’t tell me.” Michiko crossed her arms with a pout, looking away as though she was offended. “I’ll find out eventually! Mark my words!”

Masami really hoped she didn’t.

Sweat dropping, the girls finished getting ready, making attempts to change the topic to something more light and cheery. Some people were still introducing themselves, others were talking about their quirks, a few others were talking about what they could possibly be doing in PE today. Michiko, while still a bit peeved about not getting the information she wanted, decided to go for the topic of quirks with Masami.

“My quirk is Water Change!” The blue haired girl spouted out. Masami was grateful for the change of topic, but was still a bit hesitant. She had just met this girl today, and she was already acting like they were best friends or something. Was that normal? Or, perhaps, she’s just trying to be nice after noticing Masami’s panicky figure. Pity could definitely be the answer. But Masami couldn’t be sure. She still had yet to grasp the concept of conversational skills. It didn’t help that almost all of her friends up to this point had been guys. “I can change different parts of my body into water, just not at the same time It’s nice and all, but you should see how awkward it gets when I accidentally activate my quirk. It’s happened so many times, though, that I’ve just learned to laugh about it!”

“I-It sounds really c-cool.” Masami smiled a bit meekly. She had already finished getting into her gym clothes and was now standing there awkwardly as Michiko spoke. Should she leave and go ahead to the gym? Perhaps it would be safer if she just waited for the rest of the group?

“Thanks!” Michiko grinned brightly. Seriously though, she was starting to blind Masami with how much her positivity seemed to brighten up the room. “But what about your quirk?! You haven’t mentioned it yet.”

“O-oh-- q-qui-- I-I’m actually quirkless.” And proud. Though, she could probably do without all the stares she was receiving. Apparently, everybody had decided to listen in to their conversation and were now reeling in shock. It was understandable. Only 20% of the world’s population were quirkless. Plus, they were at a school for heroes, and most people joined General Studies in the hope of being transferred. But Masami… Her chance of being transferred seemed rather slim to others. In any case, it’s not as though she had been planning on making any attempts to be transferred in the first place.

“Really?!” Of course, as always, Michiko was the exception to the reactions. She seemed to have literal stars in her eyes as she bounced excitedly in front of Masami. “This is my first time meeting someone quirkless! That’s so cool!”

Well... She’d be one of the first to think like that.

“Th-thanks,” Crimson exploded on Masami’s face as she blushed at the compliment.

There were a lot of people who had problems with those who are quirkless, so she was glad that her lack of quirk did not deter away her new friend. It actually seemed to draw her in even more. In fact, all the girls were joining in on the conversation now. They seemed to find Masami’s lack of quirk absolutely fascinating as strange as that was.

“Are your parents quirkless?!”

“Do you get any special privileges because of it?”

“Do you know anybody else that’s quirkless?!”

“Is it difficult without a quirk?!”

The questions seemed to come so fast that Masami wouldn’t be surprised if she ended up with a headrush. She was surprised that she even managed to hear all the questions as they were spoken so quickly and loudly. Plus, they spoke over each other, so that didn’t help.

“Um, I-I--” Masami was cut off by Michiko shrieking.

“We’re gonna be late!”

It was true. They only had about one minute until class was supposed to start. Also letting out a small shriek, the other girls scrambled out the door with Masami following them and Michiko cautiously. She hoped that they wouldn’t be late. It would be a shame to get in trouble on the first day of school.

They arrived in record timing at only thirty seconds. Thankfully, they were met by the relieving sight that the teacher hadn’t even arrived yet. The boys seemed a bit confused about why the girls seemed so tired and why they ran in, but no one bothered with questions or explanations. It turns out that there wasn’t even a need for them to rush as five minutes passed and the teacher had yet to arrive.

The class of fifteen-or-so year olds, like any normal teenagers, talked to pass the time. The major topic of conversation was about who their teacher would be. Whispers ran rampant about the room as they discussed which hero they might be meeting next. One of the more outrageous theories included Endeavor or Best Jeanist. Like seriously, they don’t even teach here!

They all ended up silencing, though, when the door slammed open suddenly.

“I am…” Everyone stared shock as the number one hero, All Might, slid into the room dramatically. “Coming through the door like a normal person!”

How the hell was that normal?


1430 words excluding A/N's

Finished- 2:46 pm on March 12, 2019


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