Chapter 26

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"Your attacks aren't working because of what I assume to be shock absorption!" Shirokage called out for All Might to hear. "Though, from the looks of it, it also has a regeneration quirk." The fire had been extinguished on the nomu, and it's arm had regenerated almost immediately. Unfortunately, she was still focusing a lot of energy on healing Aizawa, and it only got more difficult the further away he got. "Basically, you're going to have to push your limits if you want to defeat him!"

Though, Shirokage didn't exactly have the clearest of grasps of where those limits lay, especially with his weakened form. 

"Thanks for telling me that!" All Might had grabbed the nomu from behind. "If that's true, then it's easier for me."

The man bent backwards as he threw the Nomu into the ground headfirst causing a cloud of smoke to appear around them.

"Oi, oi..." Shigaraki muttered as Shirokage frowned. There's no way it would be that easy. If things got worse, she may have to temporarily redirect her energy completely into fighting. 

Maybe she should have had either Dabi or Toga join her.

Her eyes widened as she saw that Kurogiri had managed to save the nomu from any damage, but, in a way, this was a good chance for her to make a move while Kurogiri is distracted. 

"Is..." All Might started as the nomu grabbed onto him, exactly where his injury was. "Is that how it is?"

The nomu began to draw blood as Shirokage began to head over, but this time Shigaraki got in her way. Honestly, what was with people and getting in her way? Didn't they have anything better to do?

"Were you trying to keep him from moving by sticking him deep in the concrete?" Shigaraki questioned as though it was an incredulous idea. "You won't be able to stop him like that. Because Nomu is as strong as you are. This is good, Kurogiri. It's an unexpected opportunity."

All Might had let go of the nomu's waist as he instead tried to pry it's hands off of his own.

"This is your first offense?" All Might grit his teeth. "You'd better prepare yourselves..."

Shirokage wanted to go and help, but she knew that she couldn't rush in recklessly, especially with Shigaraki keeping an eye on her if she even so much as twitched. While All Might was the number one hero and she was the number one vigilante, they couldn't afford to underestimate these three villains.

"Kurogiri," Shigaraki gained the warp portal's attention.

"I do not want blood and guts overflowing within me," Kurogiri noted. "But I would be happy to take in someone as great as you. You are too fast to see with the human eye. Restraining you was Nomu's job. And then, when your body is halfway in, to close the gate... And tear you apart is my job."

"Ah..." Shirokage sweat dropped. "They're actually explaining their plan..."

What was with villains and doing that? Do they plan these monologues of theirs? Why do they feel the need to tell people what they're doing? It seems a bit counterproductive. Do they have to practice?

Oh great, now she was imagining them practicing their evil speeches to themselves in front of the mirror. 

She was just going to try and store that thought away for later. 

"All Might!" The vigilante's eyes widened as she saw Midoriya running towards All Might only to have his path blocked by Kurogiri.

"Oi!" Shirokage yelled as she sprinted and grabbed the kid just before he made contact with the warp gate. At the same time, a hot headed blonde attacked the purple blob.

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