Chapter 4

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"I-I'm so s-sorry for being l-late, Miyuki-san!" Words tumbled out of Masami’s mouth as she tried to get out her excuse as to why she was late to her boss. Unfortunately, though, this led to Masami rambling just like Midoriya. “I-I had my entrance exam for U.A. today, and th-that took about an hour. And then, I-I had a meeting with th-the principal. I-I ended-ed up losing track of t-time, and I f-forgot all about w-work today! And-- And--”

    She was, thankfully enough, cut off by her boss, who didn’t particularly care about any of Masami’s reasonings. Tachibana Miyuki was a strict woman and could be quite hard on Masami as her manager. But, of course, she had to be in this kind of business. At Plus Ultra Records, one couldn’t afford to make mistakes. Well, unless you were Masami. She was the company’s biggest money maker after all. If anybody else had been late, they probably would have been fired. Not that Masami knew that. She was pretty much oblivious to the realization that she tended to be the exception to many cases.

Miyuki Tachibana (First then Last): She's a strict, independent woman that happens to be Masami's manager at Plus Ultra Records. Her quirk is called Cat Eyes which is pretty self explanatory.

 Her quirk is called Cat Eyes which is pretty self explanatory

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    “Don’t bother apologizing, kid. Just make sure to be on time from now on.” Miyuki’s yellow eyes seemed to glare a bit as she looked at the girl. Masami, by this point, was staring guiltily at the floor. This was the first time she had ever been later to work, and she felt absolutely horrible about it. Miyuki expected a lot out of her, and here she was, letting her down. Her thoughts went into the negative once more that day. What if she got fired? What if she could never see Miyuki again?! “Time is money in this business.”

    “I know,” Masami muttered softly. “I’m sorry.”

    Releasing a small sigh, Miyuki stopped glaring and instead chose to ruffle her own short dark hair in exasperation. Masami didn’t mess up very often, so she supposed that she shouldn’t be too hard on the girl. Besides, they still had an hour until their first meeting started, so they should be good.

While Miyuki was strict and a bit rough, she did care for Masami. It was impossible for her not to. The girl was a sweetheart that almost always did as she was told and, after knowing her for two years, she couldn't help but come to enjoy Masami's company. One of the reasons she was so strict was because she cared for her.

    “Let’s just start getting you ready,” Miyuki completely brushed off Masami’s apology and instead started walking out of the room they had been standing in to start heading towards Masami’s dressing room. Yes, that’s right. Masami had a dressing room. “We only have an hour until your first meeting of today starts, and we need to make sure your identity is as hidden as possible before then. So, while you start on your makeup, I’ll go and pick out clothes for you.”

    “Yes, ma'am!”

    With that, they began Masami’s transformation. The first thing she did was put in her green contacts to cover up her normally icy blue eyes. And, with multiple layers of makeup, her face was barely recognizable. Before placing a black wig on, Masami also changed out of her school uniform and into more appropriate clothes for the occasion. They weren't formal clothes or anything, and it definitely wasn't something that Masami would normally wear in public as herself. But, as she placed the styled black wig on her head, she was no longer Hideyoshi Masami. Now, she was Minamoto Yui, a famous Japanese singer.

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