Chapter 13

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"Fuckin' hell!" A filthily dressed, dark haired man hissed in anger as him and another man ran into a seemingly empty alleyway. "I thought you said tha' this would be an easy job, ya' piece of shit?!"

    "It was supposed to be!" The other man, who looked to be half lizard, hissed right back.

    Neither one looked to be very happy. Actually, they seemed to be rather pissed off. This wasn't very surprising, though, considering the events that had just occurred. They had made the foolish attempt to break into a little shop in Shirakumo.

    Shirakumo was widely known as a rundown area where crime ran rampant and there was little law enforcement. So, it shouldn't have been so difficult to rob such a tiny store. However, the two villains were certainly given a fright when the infamous Shirokage ended up making an appearance. If it weren't for the dark haired man's quirk, they never would have escaped.

    "That damn shadow always shows up at the worst time!" The lizard man cursed, pacing a bit in annoyance. "It'll be a miracle if Shigaraki can exterminate her like he promised."

    "Shigaraki?" The dark haired man raised a brow, having calmed down just slightly. He was still pissed off, but getting angry would only make the situation worse. Besides, he was getting too old for this kind of shit. "Ain't he that brat that's been goin' 'round, boastin' about his so-called 'League of Villains.' Seems a bit full of 'imself if he thinks he can get rid of that damn Shirokage so easily."

    "I dunno 'bout that," The other man shrugged. "From what I hear, the League is pretty expansive and has a vast amount of resources. If anybody is able to get rid of that vigilante, it'll probably be them."

    "I didn' take you for a fool, Kain," Mr. Dark Hair rolled his eyes as he lit a cigarette and took a good long puff. He had known the newly dubbed Kain for years, but they had never really liked each other. They only had a mutual respect. And now, that respect was starting to dwindle.

    “I’m no fool, Amida!” Kain glowered at his fellow villain as a cloud of smoke was blown in his face. “Shirokage is nothing! Especially since the League has already developed something that can supposedly kill All Might!”

    Amida paused slightly in surprise at Kain’s statement. He wasn’t sure what exactly he had been expecting to hear, but it sure as hell wasn’t that. In any case, his surprise didn’t last very long as it soon turned to amusement. The aging, dark haired man let out a large guffaw at the very idea of killing All Might.

    “Kill… All Might?!” Amida laughed a raspy laugh that irritated Kain to no end. That had been the best joke Amida had heard in a long time. Killing All Might was but a fools dream. “Listen, I don’ know who you’re tryin’ to kid, but killin’ All Might is near impossible! If you’re so proud of this League, then why don’tcha go ahead and tell me how exactly they plan to kill such a monster!”

    At this, Kain hesitated. He was angry about being dismissed so easily, and yet, at the same time, he was also a bit embarrassed. He was actually apart of the League himself, but he had no idea what Shigaraki was planning to do. In fact, being a mere grunt, he barely knew anything at all. They never told much of the important information to the grunts.

    “I… I don’t know,” He admitted, albeit quite unwillingly. “It’s probably something to do with the attack on U.A. that they’re planning. It may be the top hero school in the country, but Shigaraki sounds pretty damn confident. And, if somebody’s actually willing to be that confident about something like that, then that’s enough for me.”

    “You…” Amida sent an incredulous look Kain’s way. “You really are a dumbass, aren’t you? Listen up, I don’ care what you say, but the League of Villains sounds insane. And I don’ want any part o’ it! You can do what ya’ want, but I’m leaving! You can just stay ‘way from me ‘til your ass gets thrown in jail!”

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