Chapter 12

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"When you said training...?"

The tall, blonde adult sweat dropped in concern as he stared at the two students in front of him. The group of six had entered the gym no problem, but Yagi had quickly grown confused as everyone except Mirio and Masami went to go stand against the wall. The two exceptions stood a few feet apart from each other, looking like they were about to fight.

Which they were.

"I want to see how strong Hideyoshi-san over here is, so we decided to test it out through a fight!" Mirio explained with his usual smile, waiting patiently as Masami took off her black high tops and gloves. He wasn't too sure why she was taking them off, but he wasn't really going to question it. Besides, going off of Arata's exasperated expression, there was probably a reason behind it.

"Don't tell me you're wearing weights again, Masami?" Arata sighed in exasperation causing the others to look at him. However, Masami only gave him a small glance as she set her shoes and gloves next to the wall.

"Th-they wouldn't be of much use if I-I didn't wear them," She countered. "N-now, would they?"

"Whatever you say..." He only shook his head in response. He had told her multiple times that there was no need for her to wear them and that they only cause unnecessary strain, but she ignored him every time.

"Are you ready to fight now?" Mirio asked as Masami made her way back to the middle of the room only about two or three meters away from the smiling blonde.


"You can come at me anytime, from anywhere!" Despite Mirio's casual attitude about the whole situation, he wasn't underestimating her. After all, he couldn't afford to underestimate her. It would be foolish of him to do so. Especially if she was as strong as Arata always went on about.

Though, Arata had only mentioned her about a week before school started up, Mirio remembered the conversation quite well.


The Big Four were out and about in the city as they tried to use up what little free time they had before school started. Honestly, they didn't hang out as much outside of school, excluding Mirio and Tamaki who happened to be best friends. But, anyways, they decided they'd hang out in the city because why the hell not? The only one somewhat against it was Tamaki for obvious reasons.

"Ne, ne, Fujiyama," Nejire spoke up as they walked, gaining the attention of the three boys. "I've been meaning to ask, but why do you look so happy lately? Like, happier than usual happy."

"My sister's supposed to be starting at U.A. this year!" Arata answered with no hesitance and a large grin, almost as though he had just been waiting to burst out with the news.

"You have a sister?" Nejire asked, glancing at Arata's proud face with a smile of her own. He was definitely acting like a proud older brother.

"Well, I say sister, but we're not actually related," He admitted, his grin turning a bit sheepish as he rubbed the back of his head. "We're actually just coworkers, but she's still like a little sister to me!"

"Is she entering the Hero Course, too?" This time, it was Mirio that asked the question. It wasn't as though Tamaki would be asking any questions, though. He was a bit preoccupied trying to hide from any possible observing passerbys. In other words...

He was being paranoid.

"General Studies, actually," The others looked a bit curious at the sudden frown on Arata's face. "She's easily strong enough to get into the Hero Course, but she doesn't have any interest apparently. It's a shame, really, because she's even stronger than I am."

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