Chapter 33

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Class 1-A stared at the door, dumbfounded. 

It was safe to say that Masami had a bad tendency to leave chaos in her wake.

"Well," Shirokage finally finished snickering and got back to what she had been saying before Masami's interruption. "Ignoring that and getting back into introductions, as Eraserhead said, I'll be taking over yours as well as the other Hero Course's Hero Classes once a week starting today."

"Haah?" Of course, it was Bakugo who had an issue with this. "And what makes you think you're qualified to teach us? You're just some damn vigilante with enough power to catch a few petty criminals but too weak to become an actual hero! Besides, shouldn't you have been arrested by this point?"

Both Shirokage and Aizawa sighed.

They could tell that quite a few of the students had the same questions, but they had expected that. They were heroes-in-training. They were literally taught that what Shirokage did was no better than villainy, and now they were being told that she was going to be their teacher.  

Yeah, they were definitely getting mixed signals. 

"I'm sure you all have complaints," Aizawa knew he sure did. "But Shirokage is here at the request of the Principal, and what Nezu wants, he gets one way or another."

Shirokage nodded in agreement. 

Even she had the brain cells not to go against the rat-like chimera.

"Sensei!" The class president, Iida Tenya raised his hand stiffly into the hair. "Is it not against the code of heroes to work with criminals?! Exactly what does Principal Nezu hope to accomplish by this?!"

Okay, first of all, Shirokage was getting real tired of being called a 'criminal.' She had a name, and if that wasn't good enough, they could at least have the decency to call her a vigilante. 

Second of all, why were they now talking about her as though she wasn't in the room.

Honestly, you'd think they'd have more self preservation than that. 

Then again… they were teenagers…

And Aizawa was, well, Aizawa. Plus, he was probably the only other person in the room that knew that Shirokage would never truly harm any of them. 

"Oh~" Shirokage raised an unimpressed brow. "Can you really not think of a single reason as to why Nezu might have hired me?" At the blank stares she received, Shirokage let out a tired sigh. "I'll admit, I'm a bit disappointed. I expected more from you hero-hopefuls."

Honestly, though, it wasn't that difficult to realize that having Shirokage work at UA was highly advantageous for the heroes. 

Before any of the students had a chance to get a word in, Shirokage continued. 

"Very well then," she turned to Aizawa. "I know today was supposed to be introductions only, but would you mind if I give them a little lesson for today?"

Aizawa sighed. "Do what you want."

He had a feeling it was going to come to this…

Shirokage grinned underneath her mask, turning back to the students with her hands placed on her hips. 

"You heard the man," she said. "So hurry up and get changed into your hero costumes because we're going on a quick trip to Ground Beta!"



The students made their way to Ground Beta rather reluctantly, barring a select few who didn't really care, only actually making the effort to go once Aizawa told them to.

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