Chapter 35

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"Hmm?" The white haired vigilante turned away from the hot chocolate she'd been making to look at Hagakure who was now back to being dressed in her school uniform and was now holding Shirokage's hoodie out to her while they waited in the teachers lounge for Hagakure's parents to come pick her up. Mineta had already been picked up by Aizawa and brought to Principal Nezu, so Shirokage was left with Hagakure to make sure that the girl felt safe and was getting the help that she needed. Asui and Yaoyorozu had offered to stay with them while they waited, but Hagakure told them that she was fine and to go on back to class, which was currently being supervised by Midnight who happened to have a free period.

"Um, here's your hoodie!" The invisible girl handed Shirokage the piece of clothing quickly while making an attempt not to stare at the vigilante's arms that were littered with scars. "Thank you for letting me borrow it!"

Now that she had calmed down a good bit, she was finally able to actually take in what Shirokage looked like without a baggy hoodie to hide her features. In particular, her arms were now in clear view since she apparently only wore a form fitting, long necked tank top underneath, and holy shit, Hagakure was pretty sure she may have had a minor gay awakening upon seeing the vigilante's defined muscles. Don't even get her started on the abs. She didn't realize she even had a thing for girls with abs, but here she is. Add in the fact that Shirokage had basically saved her from being sexually assaulted, and she was crushing pretty hard. 

She was almost tempted to ask if she could keep the hoodie. (It was so warm and soft. Could you blame her?)

"Don't worry about it," Shirokage took back her hoodie gratefully and gave Hagakure a couple small pats on the head, making sure to keep her movements slow and clear just in case. Instead of putting the hoodie back on, she simply set it to the side before handing a mug of hot chocolate over to the shorter girl and then grabbed one for herself. "Why don't you come and sit for a few minutes while you wait?" She gestured towards a pair of couches off to the side and began walking over to them and sat down. Hagakure quickly followed suit and sat straight across from her. "If you're up to it, would you mind if I talked to you about a few things?"

Hagakure tilted her head curiously. "A few things?"

"Mhm," Shirokage nodded. "Only if it's okay with you. If you'd rather not talk with me and would prefer another teacher, or not at all, that's okay, too."

"Um, you're, uh, you're fine," Hagakure replied hesitantly, not entirely sure where Shirokage was going with this. "I don't mind."

"Thank you," Shirokage dipped her head warmly in thanks. "The first thing that I wanted to talk to you about is your costume."

Hagakure cringed. Her 'costume' was literally just a pair of gloves and shoes. She wasn't even really sure that it could be called a costume, but she wasn't really sure how else she'd be able to use her quirk to her advantage with anything that covered more. 

"First of all, I'd like to apologize to you on behalf of whatever dumbass support company decided to clear your costume with no questions added," Hagakure's eyes widened in surprise. And wait, did Shirokage actually just swear? (Shirokage may not approve of herself swearing, but she knew it couldn't be helped sometimes and allowed herself one swear word a day.) "Most first years are unaware of this, but there are multiple heroes whose costumes are constructed with fibers of their DNA that allow their quirk and costume to work hand-in-hand. 

For example, there's a third year with a permeation quirk who phases right through his own clothes upon activation of his quirk. This, however, is prevented from occurring whilst in his hero costume thanks to those DNA fibers." Of course, there was a whole lot more to it, but Shirokage didn't feel like boring Hagakure with the technicals. "If we were to apply a similar concept for a costume for you, we'd probably be able to make one that can become invisible with you. This way, you'd have added layers of protection without sacrificing stealth." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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