Chapter 16

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For once, Masami was actually surprised. She couldn't believe that Shigaraki had actually been so stupid as to actually make a move on U.A. in broad daylight. It was like he was purposely raising a red flag that said ‘Hello, I plan on attacking the school soon. This is just a warning, so won't you please increase your defenses?’ It's not as though she had much of a problem with him making such foolish moves, but it was still concerning.

Taking such actions probably meant that he was pretty confident. And a confident Shigaraki was never exactly a good thing. Plus, it didn't help that the school had yet to learn about the man child. Which, unfortunately, was the reason why Masami was staying after school, freaking out as she stood in front of the teachers conference room.

Doing what she was about to do was a huge risk. She was practically exposing herself for having a hella amount of secrets. And not even the good kind of secrets. If those exist. No, these were secrets that affected the lives of others. Oh, how she was regretting not telling anybody about Shigaraki in the first place. She could have had this all over and done with already. Plus, there probably wouldn't be a giant hole in U.A.'s wall if she had just spoken up.

Oh, just how did she know she'd end up with a big pit of regret?

She sighed, knowing that she wouldn't be able to put it off any longer and finally knocked. The noise in the room came to an almost complete halt at the sound. Clearly, they weren't expecting visitors.

“Come in!” Nezu's voice rang out after a few more seconds of silence.

Cringing as the large door creaked upon opening, Masami was close to running away as she stepped into the room. All the attention was on her. And not even the good attention. They were probably wondering how the hell she knew that they were all in the conference. Either that or why she was there. Actually, it was probably both. In any case, she wasn't exactly pleased with all the stares that were on her.

Originally, she had just planned on going to speak with Nezu. Masami didn't know the other teachers very well yet, and she wasn't sure who exactly she could trust. However, Nezu was already in this meeting by the time school ended, so she didn't have much of a choice. It's not as though she was gonna wait until the meeting ended. That would have been even more awkward. You know… just sitting around the empty school building… waiting.

Yeah, no. This seemed like the easier choice.

"Masami?" Midnight raised a brow, for once, not cooing over the girl. "What are you doing here?"

"A-ah, um, well, about th-that, um…" And here Masami thought that she had planned out what she was going to say, but noooo. The moment she walked in, all the words just seemed to disappear from her head. So, she guessed that she would just be winging it. "I-It's about the, um, the s-security breach…" She paused for a second, glancing up ever so slightly from her hunched position while wringing her hands. All the teachers were paying attention now, and the majority had frowns. "I, um, I th-think I know who m-may have caused th-the hole in the barrier."

Oh great, and now they were suspicious. Well, that's to be expected, she supposed.

Masami began rubbing the back of her neck nervously. She always seemed to be getting herself into the worst kind of situations.

"I see," Nezu lost his cheery smile as he, too, began to frown. It wasn't as though he was suspicious of Masami specifically. However, he was quite curious as to how she would obtain such information. "And who exactly may that be?"

They weren't just going to deny any chance to get information on these guys. The teachers had actually been discussing the break in just prior to Masami knocking on the door. None of them had any leads so far. Well, technically, they had some information from Shirokage, but none of them trusted her enough to take it seriously.

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