Chapter 3

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"Nezu-san?" Masami had made her way the principal's office and knocked a bit timidly. Upon hearing a reply, she hesitantly opened up the door that led to Nezu's office. It wasn't an extravagant office, but it wasn't simple either. It had a bit of a modern flare, Masami supposed. And, it did appear to suit Nezu quite well.

"Ah, Masami-chan!" Nezu had greeted her cheerfully and with a smile as she walked in. While the two knew each other fairly well, it had been quite a while since they had last seen each other. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Mhm," The girl shuffled a bit nervously. She did feel a bit more relaxed with a familiar person being around, but that didn't mean she couldn't be nervous. She was always nervous for some reason... Maybe she should see a counselor... Being nervous and anxious all the time couldn't be healthy. "Did--Did you, um, did y-you g-get my letter?"

"Indeed I did!" Nezu smiled at her. He never seemed to lose his cheery attitude. Masami was sure that he could probably his cheer in the midst of a villain attack. She had never even seen any other emotion on his face. It was comforting in a way. At least she knew that this was one thing that hadn't changed over the years."I understand the circumstances, so you have no need to worry! Though..."

Of course there was a 'though'...

Any relief she had felt from seeing a familiar face vanished almost immediately. She had been a worrywart for years and this case was no different. All her thoughts instantly went to something negative.

Yeah... A counselor would probably do her some good.

"I'd like to set a few conditions, if you don't mind." Oh. She had panicked for nothing. Per usual. It almost always ended up like this. Sure, it was good to expect the worst in many situations, but Masami took it to a bit of an extreme.

In any case, she agreed to Nezu's conditions without hesitation.


Almost an hour and a half had passed by the time Nezu and Masami were finished talking. They had had other matters to discuss and figured that now would be a better time than any. And now, Masami barely stuttered in front of him at all. And, as they spoke, Nezu quickly realized that there was no chance that Masami would have failed the entrance exam despite her doubts. With his quirk, he could almost always be considered the smartest person in the room. However, he was pleased when he found that he could actually have an intellectual conversation for once.

Masami had definitely changed since she was younger. For one, she was obviously quieter. She had been spunky and talked nonstop when she was younger, not even thinking about what she was saying. But now, she was observant, thought about her words, and she spoke very little. Nezu had also seen her grades. Masami could probably be viewed as a genius with perfect scores on almost everything. The only thing she seemed to struggle with was group projects and presenting in front of other people, which, unfortunately enough, was something that couldn't be avoided in school. Especially U.A. In fact, with the Sports Festival, almost all the students received some form of attention.

Masami would probably have some trouble with that.

"Unfortunately, I have to leave, but you're more than welcome to join me." Nezu began to get up from his desk chair. He had to go and observe the practical portion of the Hero Exam after all. "I'm sure Midnight-san would be more than pleased to see you again."

"Kayama-san is here?" She was yet another person that Masami hadn't seen in ages. It had been nearly eight years. Masami had always gotten along rather well with the woman, so she would love to see her again. Furthermore, Kayama Nemuri happened to be her godmother as Midnight had been best friends with Masami's mother, so they used to be quite close.

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