Chapter 32

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"I trusted you." Michiko said with desperation in her tone and betrayal filling her eyes. 

Tears could be seen accumulating, and raw pain could be seen donning on her face as she stared at the girl she once called a friend. 

"And now you'll pay the pr-price of doing so." Masami set down her 'draw four wild card.' "Uno."


Masami watched in slight concern and amusement as Michiko slid to the floor dramatically while clutching her chest with one hand and reaching up with the other.

"Quit being a dumbass and draw," Kioshi pushed the blue haired girl over with his foot, effectively causing her to faceplant into the floor. 

Michiko grumbled obscenities as she pulled herself up and back onto her chair, grabbing four cards while she was at it. 

"I hate this game," she grumbled. 

Masami tilted her head in confusion. "Weren't you the one that—that b-brought it?"

"Shush, dear, you're not helping my point."

School was back in session, and Class 1-D's three musketeers were getting in some good ol' Uno time in before homeroom started. As you may have noticed, while Masami was winning, Michiko was doing less than satisfactory. Meanwhile, Kioshi was just doing average.

As of this point, Masami had won 7 games, Kioshi 4, and Michiko 1.

Yeah, Michiko was not a happy camper.

"You know, I've been meaning to ask," Michiko started, glancing at Masami before looking back at her cards intently as though that'd help her do any better. "Where exactly did you go and disappear to the other day? One moment we were walking to Art and then you were gone the very next."

Masami sweat dropped nervously. She had been hoping that nobody would notice or ask about her absence, but so much for that.

These types of things were always so much easier in the past when the only friends she had at school were Izuku and Katsuki. Izuku would have been too nervous to ask while Katsuki just wouldn't have cared enough to ask.

"I just started to f-feel a bit—a bit sick is all," Masami smiled weakly. It technically wasn't a lie. Sensory overloads were no joke, especially with how dialled up hers were. "S-sorry."

"There's no need to apologize for getting sick," Michiko frowned. "But if you were feeling that bad, you should have told Kioshi or I. We would have brought you to the nurse's office."

Kioshi gave Masami a brief nod as he agreed with Michiko's statement. Though,  in his impatience, he stole one of Michiko's cards to throw in the pile so that it would finally be his turn.

Masami lightly smiled. "Thank y-you."

Before anymore could be said, Present Mic finally entered the classroom, and the three scrambled to put the cards back into Michiko's bag before sitting back in their seats. 

Class started, and their teacher took attendance and began to give some announcements and pass out some handouts before pausing as he came to some sort of realization. 

"Before I forget," he started, looking a little panicked as he grabbed another stack of papers. "Hideyoshi, do you think you could go and bring this paperwork over to Class 1-A's homeroom teacher?"

Masami gave a nod and stood up to grab the large stack before heading out the door after the teacher gave a brief thanks. 

It took her a few moments to process that Aizawa was Class 1-A's homeroom teacher. 

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