Chapter 30

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Shirokage had somehow ended up as a teacher. 

Sure, she was only teaching the hero course, and it was only once a week, but she was officially a paid employee of UA High.

She has yet to figure out whether or not it was a mistake to take the rat-looking chimera's offer, but only time would tell.

Besides, she had a feeling that Nezu wouldn't have taken no for an answer anyways. 

Shirokage couldn't help but sweat drop as she thought back to the conversation that led to her currently standing outside of Class 1-A's door.


"How would you feel about becoming a teacher here?"
Everyone in the room stared at the principal in a shocked silence. 

Shirokage herself looked at him blankly before she turned to Dabi to see if he had just heard the same thing she had. 

Going off of his expression mixed with emotions, most of them stemming from confusion and wondering if Nezu was sane, he had, in fact, heard the same thing. 

Shirokage looked back at Nezu before pointing a finger to herself. 

"Yes, you," Nezu sounded amused. Tsukauchi probably would have been, too. After all, he had never seen the girl ever look so stumped and at a loss for words before. However, the detective was just as lost for words. 

Only Nezu would be crazy enough to think that hiring a criminal right under the government's nose would be a brilliant idea. 

What's sad is that he'd probably get away with it. 

"You want me to be a teacher?" Shirokage questioned dubiously, silently wondering if the principal actually put crack or something in his tea. 

It would certainly explain a lot. 

"There is that," Nezu confirmed for her. "I have no doubt that you'd be able to provide a great deal of insight into the real world and other invaluable lessons for our students in the hero course. But what I would really like is for you to act as security for the school in the event that a situation similar to what occurred at the USJ were to occur again."

"You do realize that I already have a job, correct?" Shirokage raised a brow. "Like, outside of vigilantism. A legal, paying job that actually takes up time. Besides, I already provide security for your school, as shown by the events at the USJ. There's no reason for me to be a teacher if security is all you really want."

"Well, it's certainly reassuring that you already have eyes on the school," Nezu said with an all knowing look in his eyes. "As for your busy schedule, I wouldn't ask that you become a teacher full time. Once or twice a week would do perfectly fine. After all, I wouldn't want to interrupt too much of your time. I'm sure your schedule is probably quite troublesome with all your school work on top of your vigilantism and other jobs."

Ah, yes, and there was the reason for the mischief that could be spotted in his eyes. 

Shirokage was sure that he took great pleasure in watching the surprised reactions of those in the room. She knows that she did. 

All Might had spat up blood. Tsukauchi nearly choked on his own spit. Vlad had nearly fallen off his chair, and Midnight and Snipe had both let out an exclamation of surprise. 

"You're still a student?!" Tsukauchi was praying to whatever deities were out there that Nezu was talking about university.

He almost felt offended when Shirokage looked at him like he was the strange one for not knowing this information. 

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