The Memories of The Damned

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Allison giggled, before you whipped around to shush her

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Allison giggled, before you whipped around to shush her. Vanya clutched onto your hand, and Luther looked around nervously. Ben, Klaus, and Diego were all huddled together, and Five peaked his head around the corner. He turned back to you while nodding, telling you that the hallway was clear.

You turned to your siblings, motioning for them to follow you. You began to quietly run down the hall as Five ran next to you.

"Why the hell do we need to get to the window?" He whispered to you. "We can just go through the back if we were quick enough. Plus, Vanya is afraid of heights!"

"Relax, smartass," you assured, "I got it."

You made your way to a window, before pushing it open.

"Your vines.." Five muttered, peeking out the window. Long, rope-like green vines had wrapped up to the window, creating a make-shift latter.

"C'mon!" You encouraged, climbing out the window and down the vines.

By the time everyone had made it down, you were practically buzzing with excitement. You had seen the shop on the way back from a mission, and had been dying for weeks to see it.

You had bribed Five into helping you with an escape plan with the promise of sharing your side of the family's library, which he said yes to near immediately.

"Is it a book store?" Ben asked as you all walked down the side walk.

"Why would it be a book store?" Diego said, rolling his eyes.

"'Cause we had to bring money, dipshit!" Luther yelled back.

"No, it's not a book store."

"Is it a restaurant?" Klaus asked.

"Sort of." You said. "It's some kind of bakery. But I've never seen the kind of pastries they make in there before."

That statement seemed to pique Five's interest, seeing as though he was walking a bit quicker.

"There!" You exclaimed, and and ran into the the brightly painted building.

"Welcome to Griddy's!" A woman called from behind the counter. The place was empty, and it smelled like flour and sugar. "What can I get you little dumplings?"

All your siblings stared in shock at the glass display case.

"Do you like the donuts?" She asked.

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