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You hated your nanny

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You hated your nanny. You didn't know how many times you had bitten her. You didn't even changes forms when you sunk your teeth into her flesh. Her stupid voice and awful singing always run ruined your day, even more then Five did.

When that nanny left, more replaced her. Most of them didn't even last a day. It didn't matter to you. Each one was more annoying then the last. You could dress yourself. You could feed yourself. Hell! The last thing you needed was someone babying you and you're siblings!

But all of that changed when Grace was hired. Something was different about her. You never bit her. You never clawed at her. And you didn't struggle when she combed your hair and straightened your outfit. At first, you were scared. Vanya had said that Grace's neck had snapped, and she stood up and twisted it back around like nothing happened. But soon, you grew to love her. She was motherly and kind. You knew she would never do anything wrong... right?...


You sobbed as Allison was put on a bed and rushed into the nursing room. Your brothers followed her inside, but you stayed outside the room during the surgery. Your back pressed against the wall as you slid down to the floor, wrapping yourself in your arms.

When you calmed, and your loud sobs were replaced with gentle hiccups, you tried to process what you had seen. Vanya had powers? How?! Why hadn't dad told you?

Questions flooded your mind, before a new thought crept into your head. Vanya. She must be so scared and confused. She probably was terrified and didn't mean to do anything. After all, Allison was the one who provoked her-

Your thoughts were cut off by the door opening and being closed. You looked up to see Luther, and he glared down at you.

"What. Happened?" He asked through grit teeth.

It took you a moment to process what he had said.

"Excuse me?"

"What happened, Y/N? I won't ask you again." He growled, grabbing your collar and forcefully pulling you to your feet. In return, you smacked him across the face.

"What the hell, Luther?!" You cried. "You're supposed to lead us! Not threaten us!"

Luther raised his hand to his cheek slowly, looking down.

"I just witnessed my own sister almost die, and the first thing you do is aggressively question me?! I-" You shrieked, but you were cut short.

You felt a large hand wrap around your throat. You gasped as you were lifted off the ground. Your own hands flew up, grasping at your brothers wrists as you coughed and choked. You tried to shift, but you couldn't. Your air supply was short. You were tired. And you hadn't eaten in over 24 hours. The black streaks your hands produced fell short as you tried to suck in a breath.

You continuously clawed at Luther, losing feeling in your legs. You scratched at his hand, cutting your own neck in the process.

Was he really going to kill you? Oh my god. He was...

☂︎︎Cocky ☂︎︎ | Five x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now