We Only See Eachother at Weddings and Funerals

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That was forever ago

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That was forever ago. Five had gone missing 16 years ago, and you had left the Umbrella Academy. You were pretty sure Luther was on the moon, Allison had become a famous actress (you watched EVERYTHING she was in.) Vanya was playing Violin (you went to all her recitals,) Diego was on the police force, and Klaus was high somewhere. Ben had died a while back. You could remember Diego having to come outside and drag you away from the coffin when dinner was being served. You had frostbite, and were scolded constantly for it.

You had become a personal trainer. It was fun helping people work out. Doing CrossFit had really changed your life. You finally felt at peace with your life.... Almost.

It was right after one of your public classes. People came, and worked out with you. You loved rocking out to music and working your muscles.

Yet, the depression and loneliness were never cured through your heavy weight lifting and training. What were you training for? You didn't know. Perhaps it was difficult to live outside the academy. Maybe you still wanted to be prepared for something that might happen.

Why didn't you fight him, then? When he was hurting you?

You longed for a family, and at one point, almost had one. But that was a story for another time...

Alcohol abuse was perhaps the most cliche way to cope with your emptiness, but the sweat from the gym never saved you. You found yourself at the bar almost every other night, drinking and hooking up.

'Cause the bastard never gave you what you needed.

Moments like these were normal. Where a girl would get cornered by a scrawny little guy who had one too many Keystones. Maybe this is what you trained for. Beating the guy up in back alley of the bar like you did back when you were at the academy. Hearing him cry in pain no longer brought you joy, and you found yourself soon hunched over, sobbing into your knees.

The tears were familiar.

You reminded yourself of your previous husband at times. The fact that the man had long since run off didn't bother you. It was the fact that you couldn't control your rage filled actions anymore.

You were him. Hurting people and drinking away your soul.

The scars of your childhood, and your previous marriage, both physically and mentally, still lingered on your body.

You also were reminded of your brother, Diego. At least you didn't run around with knives and a mask. One thought lead to another, and soon you were thinking about your entire family.

Ben's death.

Klaus' torture.

Vanya's depression.

Allison's anxiety.

Diego's speech impediment.

Luther's obsession to be the best.

Five's disappearance.

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