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The woman sobbed as she rocked herself back and forth

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The woman sobbed as she rocked herself back and forth. The ferret in the cage whined and pawed at the door. Reginald raised a brow.

"Eh bien? Où est le bébé? Je veux le bébé! Vous ne voulez sûrement pas le garder!" (Well? Where's the baby? I want the baby! Surely you don't want to keep it!)

The woman continued to sob, before she thrust a finger at the cage.

"Voilà! Juste là! Cet animal est mon enfant! S'il vous plaît, prenez-le avant le retour de mon mari! Je ne veux pas de votre argent! Il suffit de le prendre!" (There! Right there! That animal is my child! Please, just take it before my husband returns! I don't want your money! Just take it!)

Reggie studied the ferret, before slowly opening the cage. He turn to the left wall, where a painting of an absolutely identical ferret was hung. He picked up the small animal, and dark streaks wrapped around it, before the animal became an infant. The child wailed and wailed, kicking her legs back and forth. Reginald stared at the girl for only a moment longer, before turning on his heel and exiting the house as the woman cried out.

"Le diable! J'ai donné naissance au diable! Cet animal est mauvais! Oh, pardonne-moi Seigneur, car j'ai péché!"


Even with Five's added body heat, it was still freezing. You poked your head out through the collar of his shirt, and watched as he and Lila entered the crumbling building.

Lila laughed. "Holy shit. I was just here. How long was I bloody gone?"

It was a grand place at one time. The structure was beautiful, yet it had collapsed in on itself. You shifted into a crow, picking bits of ice and snow out of Five's hair, before letting out a caw.

"She's right. The grandfather paradox if affecting everything. Even places out of time."

"Is that possible?" Lila asked.

"Oh, I stopped tracking what was possible a long time ago," Five whispered, before picking up the briefcase.

A rumbling was heard, and part of the roof collapsed. Five grabbed you by the neck, and clutched you to his chest. You let out a squak.

"We better get moving. We'll check the Infinite Switchboard."

"And I'll check Herb's office. Little cockroach would survive anything."

Five threw you up in the air as he began to climb the staircase. You flew towards the top, reminded  of one of your earliest training exercises.

"Five and Y/N are cheating!"

"Bye." Lila called.

"See ya."

"Miss you."

"That's weird."

☂︎︎Cocky ☂︎︎ | Five x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now