Öga for Öga

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Five woke up to feel the sunlight on his skin

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Five woke up to feel the sunlight on his skin. The light filtered through the blinds, illuminating both of your bare bodies.

He slightly smiled, as he began to pepper the back of your bare neck and shoulders with gentle kisses.

You shifted, gently grabbing his hand.

"Good morning." You muttered, your eyes still closed.

He smiled into the back of your neck. "Good morning, sunshine."

You scoffed and smiled. "Don't call me that. Only I get to give cute nicknames."

Five sighed, before sitting up. You groaned, turning your body and latching your arms around his waist.

"Where are you going?" You whined.

Five smiled, gently stroking your hair. "To finish a deal." Five tried to move off the bed, only for you to pull him back.

"Fine. On one condition." You looked up at him. "Try to come back in one piece."

Five smirked. "No promises." With that, he stood, beginning to look for his clothes. You simply lay there, before retreating back under the sheets.


"Elliot must have been getting to close to the truth."

You leaned your back against the railing of the loft, rubbing your eyes with one of your arms crossed over your bust. You wore black pants and a sleeveless dark blue top. You had stayed in bed for a bit after Five had spacial jumped out of your room, only to find when you woke up, Elliot dead.

"This smells like the feds." Diego finished, walking over to you and leaning on the railing.

"What? Are you out of your mind?" Luther asked. "Diego, if this was the federal government, they would take him somewhere and question him. They wouldn't... do this. No, this is the work of a psychopath."

"'Oga Foroga'." Diego's said. "Is that a name?"

You looked over the loft to find the words Diego had said written in what you assumed was Elliot's blood.

"No, it means-"

"I'll look her up." Luther interrupted.

You facepalmed. Now the boys were going to harass some lady that had no idea you even existed. You turned back to the writing. 'An eye for an eye.' What the hell does that mean? Had you killed someone? Who?

"Hello, uh, Olga?... she sounds old." You heard Luther whisper as Five spacial jumped onto the first floor.

He was soaked in blood, and had a briefcase in his hand. He leaned forward, pecking you on the cheek, before walking over to Elliot's corpse. You rubbed your cheek, wiping of the bloody kiss Five had given you.

☂︎︎Cocky ☂︎︎ | Five x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now