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"Mommy! Mommy!" You turn on your side, and there stands Joshua. "Daddy's making all of us breakfast!"

You stretch your arms over your head, and let out a yawn.

"Is he now?"

Joshy nods excitedly, while grabbing your right hand and trying to pull you up. For a five year old, he sure was determined.

"Okay, okay! Mom's up." You swing your legs over the bed, and by then Joshy's long gone, screaming to your husband that "Mommy's up and is coming for breakfast".

You let out a groan as you stand, pressing your hands into your back and stretching. You slowly make your way out of the bedroom and down the stairs, an exhausted look on your face. You eventually find yourself in the kitchen, the smell of eggs and bacon luring you in.

"Morning, sleeping beauty."

You let out a sarcastic laugh, moving to lean into your partner's back. His raven hair is lazily styled and his emerald green eyes are glowing with happiness.

"Ha-ha. Okay, Dad. Very funny. Let's pick on the hard working woman of the house."

"Don't be mean, Daddy! Mom had a hard night."

"Oh, really? I never would have guessed. Especially when MY BED WAS COLD AND EMPTY LAST NIGHT!"

You scoff over dramatically, stepping out of the kitchen and into the dinning room.

Sunny, your 6 month old daughter, let's out an excited shriek. She slams her little fists onto her booster chair. Bunny, her twin sister, lets out an equally happy squeal.

You had unfortunately named them after losing a bet with your brother, Diego.

"Morning, ladies." You say, sitting across the table.

They both giggle, before going back to their own devices, trying to figure out how to obtain the milk from their sippy-cups.


"What's up, babe?" You ask as Joshy moves to sit to your right.

"Well... Dad said a few weeks ago if I was good, and you were feeling better about work, we could go see Grandpa!"

Your husband lets out an awkward cough from the kitchen. You turn to him, and he quickly looks away, now seeming fully invested into the breakfast he's making, rather than his wife's glare.

"Please, Mom! I promise I'll behave! And I'll do all the dishes for a week! And-"

"Joshy, no!" You say, trying to hold back laughter. "We don't see Grandpa because you don't behave."

Joshua looks down at his hands, wiggling his fingers, before looking back up at you.

"Then why don't we see Grandpa?"

"Because Mom's a failure."

Your head shoots up. "What?" Your partner stands in front of you.

"You heard me. We both know what you are."

Your heart beat begins to quicken, and your breathing grows heavy.

"You don't just change into animals. You are one."

"Babe, I don't-"

"Don't call me that, you pathetic lying piece of shit! Are we just gonna pretend that Dad locked you up for no reason? No! He locked you up because YOU ATTACKED-"

☂︎︎Cocky ☂︎︎ | Five x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now