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You watched calmly as a train passed nearby

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You watched calmly as a train passed nearby. The grip you had on Five's hand tightened as he turned to yell at someone as they exited the bridge.

"What are you lookin' at?! See something funny?!" You yanked Five along as he scratched the back of his neck.

Luther and the Adult Five walked ahead of you, every once in a while turning back to you and the Teen Five, before turning back and continuing to talk amongst themselves.

"Mind your business!" Five shouted at an elderly woman. "Or I'll give you something to stare at!" You offered the woman an apologetic smile as you continued to pull Five along.

"You wish you could pull off these shorts!" Five continued to aggressively scratch his body as you sighed.

"Five," The teen's head snapped to your direction as you spoke. "you're embarrassing me." You said, softly. In return, Five yanked his hand away from you. You scoffed at the action, before speed walking ahead and catching up with the two other males.

Luther smiled to you, before hanging back and talking with the teen Five.

"So, uh," you looked up as the adult Five spoke. "Delores?"

"You left her at the convenience store where you found her in hopes of giving her a better life." You replied, turning back to face ahead.

"And, uh,"

"We had something for a while..." you turned back to the teen Five as he argued with Luther. His head turned to you, and he glared, before turning back to Luther.

"I don't know anymore." You finished, turning back ahead. "You've said some... things. Maybe it's best if you just go back to the woman you were with for over 30 years."

The adult Five looked down, before changing the subject. "How long have you been here?"

"Five years." You replied. "I thought you were all dead."

The man sighed. "Look, Y/N, I'm sor-"

"I know Five. I'm sorry for nearly murdering you too." You reached up and popped you knuckles. "Though, it would be a lie if I said I haven't considered it in the past few days."

The adult chuckled. "That bad, huh?"

You flinched are Five as he yelled "IM THE DADDY HERE!"

You sighed. "That bad."

The Grown Five sighed, before yelling. "If you two would quit grab-assing, we're here."

The adult Five admired you silently as you ran up to fence and stood on your toes, looking around.

"Flatulence." Luther whispered, just out of your hearing rang. "Stage four."

"See? What's your plan now, bucko?" The Teen Five asked, before releasing a bit of gas himself. "That was just lunch, all right? Shut up."

☂︎︎Cocky ☂︎︎ | Five x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now