A Light Supper

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 "Diego, this is a setup

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"Diego, this is a setup." Luther said as you walked in.

<I had a funny little outfit here, but the comments turned into every Y/N slander TikTok ever. So wear whatever ig>

"Maybe. But we should go anyway." Diego replied as you flopped down in a chair.

"Says the guy who's already been stabbed once this week." You chuckled at Luther's comment.

"Oh, don't worry, me and him are gonna have words."

Luther turned to Vanya. "Would you tell him he's nuts?"

"I think we should go." Vanya replied.

"Same." You said, sitting up straight.


"Vanya, of all people, who should hate Dad the most." Luther stated.

"Come on, can he really be that bad?"

"Okay, well, lets see." Luther started. "He isolated you from the rest of the family."

"Kept you hopped up on pills." Diego said.

"And brainwashed you into thinking you had no powers." You finished.

"Jesus, this guy..." Vanya muttered, shocked.

"Yeah." Luther agreed, thinking he had won the argument.

"I mean, c'mon, I have to meet him!"

Diego smirked.

"You already know how this is gonna go." Luther snapped at Diego. "Dad is gonna play all his little mind games on us, get into our heads, and turn us all against each other. You watch."

"Luther, we're not 12 anymore." Diego said. "All right? We're grown-ass men." Both you and Vanya scoffed. "And women. Hey."

Luther sighed as Diego continued. "We can handle him. Wanna know what's different this time?"

"What's that?"

"You got me." Diego said, and you smiled. Diego was trying to comfort Luther. That wasn't something you saw every day.

"...We go in there as a United front. No more 'Number one' 'Number Two' bullshit. From now one it's... Team Zero."

"Team Zero?" Luther questioned.

"Team Zero." Diego replied, nodding. You all slightly smiled. "All the way." Diego reaches out his arms for fist-bumps, but didn't get any...

You sighed, standing. "I'm going for a walk. I'll be there." You walked out of the room, down the stairs, and out the door.

As your heels clipped against the ground, you wondered if anyone else had gotten the invitation. If they hadn't, maybe it should stay like that.

Then again, knowing Dad, he most likely found a way to deliver them to everyone. You sighed. You should find Five.

☂︎︎Cocky ☂︎︎ | Five x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now