The Sweadish Job

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As you and Five jumped back into Elliot's house, you found Diego on the couch, naked

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As you and Five jumped back into Elliot's house, you found Diego on the couch, naked. You chuckled as Lila cleaned his wound.

"Oh. He isn't dead." Five stated.

"Disappointed?" Lila asked.

"To see you, always." You gave him a gentle slap on the shoulder, and he turned to you.

Five pulled your ribbon off his neck and handed it to you, before walking over to the table and grabbing a piece of gauze. You walked over to Diego, gently scratching his scalp. He leaned into your hand, before you turned around and back to to Five, helping him with his cut.

"So much hostility in such a tiny package." Lila stated as you cleaned the wound. Five flinched, and you whispered a quick, "sorry!"

"Did you cut yourself shaving?" You turned to her, and she turned to you. "I could teach him how to shave like a big boy."

"I can speak for myself." Five said, making Lila turn back to him.

You sighed, grabbing Five's hand and putting it on his neck so he was holding up the gauze. "No, we just ran into an old family friend." You muttered, turning away and back to Diego, inspecting his wound.

"You didn't untie him?" You looked up as Five asked to question. Elliot lay asleep in the dentist chair.

"Was I supposed to?"

You chuckled. "I like you."


Early the next morning, you were shook awake.

"Y/N. Y/N!"

You sat up from the couch, yawning. "Yeah Five?"

"I know where Vanya is."

You quickly stood. "What are we waiting for? We need to go!"

Fine nodded, grabbing your upper arm and spacial jumping.

To your surprise, you landed in a corn field.

"Shit..." you muttered. "How are we going to find her in all this?"

Five smiled and shrugged. "Together?"

"Oh, so now you want to get romantic." You asked, crossing your arms over your bust. "To late, Five." You said, walking deeper into the corn field.

Five chuckled, walking after you. You tried to fight the smile that curled onto your lips as you continued to walk.

"So, what do we do?" You asked, looking behind you at Five. "When we find Vanya, I mean."

Five shrugged. "We'll take her to Elliot's place and try to gather everyone else up."

You sighed. "Five. I was here for nearly half a decade. If Vanya has been here for a while, maybe she doesn't want to leave."

☂︎︎Cocky ☂︎︎ | Five x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now