The Majestic 12

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You flinched, looking up at the brick building to see a large hole in the wall

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You flinched, looking up at the brick building to see a large hole in the wall. You sighed, leaning against the car next to Five who had his arms crossed.

As Vanya walked down to side walk towards you, Five met up with her.

"Well that clearly went well. You ready to go?"

"I'm going back to the farm." Vanya replied, pushing you off the car. You stumbled, before catching your balance and turning to her.

"Hey. Unacceptable, Vanya." Five said, waking after her. "Remember, we need to stick together."

"Oh why? So I don't end the world again?" Vanya asked, turning to Five. You sighed, looking down in annoyance.

"Stupid.." Muttered Five, looking back in the direction of Luther's room.

"We're you even gonna tell me?!" Asked Vanya.

"You know what?" You said, looking up. "In our defense, no! When you get angry, shit blows up! Plus, we thought maybe that was the last thing you'd want to remember."

"Great. Are there any other family secrets you guys failed to mention?"

"A boatload, Vanya! Which we don't have the luxury of sharing!" Five said.

Vanya scoffed, getting into the car and shutting the door. Five sighed, before knocking on the window. Vanya rolled it down.

"The clock is ticking on doomsday." Five started. "Just tell me that when I need you, you'll be ready."

"I can't help you, Five." Vanya stated. "I don't even know who I am."

You scoffed at her child-like whining. "You our sister!" You cried. "And a member of the Umbrella Academy. Like it or not, that's who you are. Now grow up!"

Vanya turned to glare at you. "That's who I was, okay? New timeline, new me." Vanya started the car, before pulling off.

"No! That's not how it work—" Five called after her, before stopping himself.

As you watched Vanya pull off, Five turned back to Luther, only to be flipped off.

"Wonder if it's to late to be un-adopted." Five scoffed, grabbing your hand and pulling you off.


"So what?" Diego asked. "You just let her go?"

You sighed in the armchair your were sitting in. Your left elbow was perched on the left arm of the chair, and your hand covered your eyes as you scoffed at Diego's question.

"Well, Vanya had a lot to process." Five replied, walking over. "She'll come around. I know she will."

"What about the guys that went after her?"

"The Swedes?" Five asked.

"Yeah, I mean, how do you know that they won't go after her again?" Diego justified his point.

☂︎︎Cocky ☂︎︎ | Five x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now