World's Biggest Ball of Twine

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You writhed in your bed, in nothing but your skivvies and an oversized T-shirt

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You writhed in your bed, in nothing but your skivvies and an oversized T-shirt. You groaned, before mumbling a, "good morning" to anyone who might be in the room.

"Good morning." Five chirped.

You forced your eyes open just in time to see him slipping on a flannel shirt.

"Whoa ho ho!" You flopped back down onto the bed. "Ditched the uniform?"

"Yes. Figured we should start our retirement now."

"Retirement?" You echoed, rolling out of bed and straight onto the floor. "...ow."

"Why not? We're finally in the clear. I got you a sundress from the tailor downstairs. I'll see you at the bar for breakfast."

You let out a grunt of acknowledgment, and heard footsteps walking over to you while you remained face down on the floor. He bent over.



"Come on. Let's go eat." He rubbed your shoulder, before pecking the back of your head, and finally exiting the room.


You liked that word.


The elevator let out a pleasant and satisfying ding as you hit the ground floor. You stepped out and walked down the stairs, greeted by your brothers.

"Whoa!" Klaus cheered. "Tens! Tens across the board!" He motioned to your lovely sundress and floppy sun hat.

You did a twirl, fake modeling, and ignored the people staring at your skin. They should have seen the cuts when they were still fresh.

"Why are you of all people wearing a dress?" Diego smirked, leaning back in his chair.

You sighed happily, leaning on your palm, before turning to Five. He smiled back at you.

"We're retired." He finally said.

"Aww! Congratulations guys!" Klaus cooed.

"Wow. Nice going." Diego smiled.

You turned again. "Who's the kid?"

"Diego's son." Klaus butted in.

You gasped. "What did I say about protection?!" You exclaimed.

"Who's... who's the mother?" Five asked.


"Excuse me?"

"Awwww!" Now it was your turn to fawn.

"Whoa, Lila's here?" Five asked.

"Was." Diego muttered. "She dropped him off in my lap last night, then bolted."

☂︎︎Cocky ☂︎︎ | Five x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now