☂︎︎The White Violin☂︎︎

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You studied yourself in the mirror. {Skin Colour} tights hid the many scars along your legs, but your arms and chest were bare, and this made you flinch. You had torn your apartment apart looking for your black leather jacket, but had only then remembered that you had left it with Five. You sighed. He needed it more then you.

As you stepped outside and locked your apartment door. You sighed as the cool night air hit your skin. The stars twinkled above, and you were grateful that you would be able to see them again tomorrow, that there even was a tomorrow!

As your feet hit the steps of the stairs, another memory came to mind, one that you were not so fond of...


"Vanya!" You shrieked, grabbing your robe and wrapping yourself up. "Get out!"


Vanya knew you loved her, right? She did, didn't she. You sighed, clearing your head. It was a peaceful and calm night. You didn't know why you had decided to walk, but you were glad you had.

Your stomach growled. Shit. How long was this thing going to be? Maybe skipping dinner wasn't the best choice. You checked your watch. You still had a good 30 minutes. Maybe you could grab something on your way there.

Luckily, there was a food truck outside the opera house. You knocked on the glass window, and it promptly opened.

"What can I get ya, sweetie?" An rather elderly man asked.

"Just a cheese taco please."

"Anything to drink?"

"A coke."

The man nodded, taking a ten dollar bill from you. You sighed, moving to the side.


"Vanya causes the apocalypse!" Five cried.

"We have to find her." Muttered Luther.

"What about Y/N?" Asked Diego, looking up.

Five tightened his grip on your jacket in his left hand. "Shit..."

"What do you mean shit? What's shit?" Klaus asked.

"Y/N promised Vanya she would go to her concert. She's going to be there." Five muttered, looking down.

Allison was quick to scribble something down on her note pad.

"We have to find Y/N! She's in Danger!"

"Yeah, no shit!" Barked Diego, until sirens were heard in the distance. "We gotta go! Regroup at the Super Star! Go!"

With that, your siblings ran off.


"Excuse me."

Five looked up from fiddling with your jacket to see a rather plump woman and a young boy.

☂︎︎Cocky ☂︎︎ | Five x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now