The Frankle Footage

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As you walked down the dark sidewalk, you wondered if leaving Five alone at the Champagne Club was a good idea

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As you walked down the dark sidewalk, you wondered if leaving Five alone at the Champagne Club was a good idea. You suddenly flinched, hearing police sirens whoop behind you. You slowed your pace to a stop as an open car window pulled up beside you.

"How ya doin', lil' miss?" A police officer asked.

You turned to a rather young man, he looked to be in his early 20s. You smiled at the young  adult, rather pitying him for working so late... and running into you of all criminals.

"I'm fine. How can I help you, officer?" You asked.

"Well, I'm on the lookout for some fugitives. Have you seen a man and woman in all white?"

You smirked.

"Are you sure you aren't just harassing a newly married couple?"

The officer laughed.

"Well, a lil' lady like you should get a move on. It's very dark. I'm sure your parents are worried."

You nodded.

"Have a goodnight, kiddo," You turned around, beginning to walk ahead, before the sirens whooped again.

"Hey! What did you call me?"

You paused.


You heard a door open, and stood still.

You flipped around, grabbing the officer's arm as he reached for you. Now that you were in the light of the car headlights, the officer recognized you.

"Y/N Hargreeves! You're under arrest!"

You did a spin, kicking him in the face, before beginning to run. You took a turn, and disappeared behind a corner.

The officer gathered himself, before running off in your direction. As he rounded the corner, he bumped into someone.

He quickly apologized to the man, before continuing to run forward. The man simply nodded, before walking off.

You sighed in relief, now a good distance from the officer, you shifted from the man you had seen getting on a train, back into yourself.

You paused, before picking up a lighter. Wow. Who just left this kind of thing lying around? That was how fires were started. But you weren't complaining. You pulled out a cigarette, lighting it and pressing it against your lips.

So, Diego was on the run, eh? You should probably find him.


Diego paused as a black cat walked up to him. He smiled.

"Hello." He said, gently picking it up and stroking it's fur. "What have you been up too?"

The cat purred into his chest as he chuckled. "Rough day too? I bet that asshole hurt your feelings, huh?"

☂︎︎Cocky ☂︎︎ | Five x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now